
Audio by
Shimi Berger

Mishnah Tamid 2:3: They [the priests] began
transferring the [wood] logs to arrange the pyre [on the altar]. But are
all [types of] wood valid the pyre? Yes, all [types of] wood are valid
for the pyre, except wood from an olive [tree] and from a vine. It was
[the wood] of these [trees] they was commonly used, branches of a fig
tree, walnut [tree] or an oil [tree].

החלו מעלין בגיזרין לסדר אש המערכה וכי כל העצים כשרים למערכה. הין. כל העצים כשרין למערכה חוץ משל זית ושל גפן. אבל באלו רגילין במרביות של תאנה ושל אגוז ושל עץ שמן:

Mishnah Tamid 2:4: He [the priest] arranged the large pyre towards the east [side of the altar], and it “looked” [small openings] towards the east [side] and the ends of the inner logs would touch the Tapuach.
There was space between the logs from where they would ignite the twigs.

סידר המערכה גדולה מזרחה וחזיתה מזרחה וראשי הגיזרין הפנימים היו נוגעים בתפוח. וריוח היה בין הגיזרים. שהיו מציתין את האליתא משם:

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Audio by
Shimi Berger

Mishnah Tamid 2:1: His brothers [the other priests]
saw him go down [from the altar] and they would run; they hurried and
sanctified their hands and feet from the laver [and] took the shovels
[used to scoop ash] and the forks [used for moving sacrificial parts]
and go up to the top of the altar. The limbs and the fats that weren’t
consumed [by the fire] the previous evening, would be moved to the sides
of the altar. If the sides of the altar could not hold them, they would
arrange them around the altar [on the ledge surrounding it].

ראוהו אחיו שירד והם רצו ובאו. מהרו וקדשו ידיהן ורגליהן מן הכיור. נטלו את המגריפות. ואת הצינורות ועלו לראש המזבח. האברין והפדרין שלא נתאכלו מבערב סונקין אותם לצדדי המזבח. אם אין הצדדין מחזיקין. סודרין אותם בסובב על הכבש:

Mishnah Tamid 2:2: They [the priests] began heaping the ash onto the Tapuach [heap of ashes on the top of the altar in the Temple courtyard] The Tapuach was in the middle of the top of the altar. Sometimes there was approximately three hundred kor
[measurement of volume] on it. During pilgrimage festivals, they would not
remove its ash, because it was a decoration for the altar [to show that it was
being used frequently]. During the days [of the Temple], the priests were never
lazy about removing the ash [when there was too much].

החלו מעלין באפר על גבי התפוח. ותפוח היה באמצע המזבח. פעמים עליו כשלש מאות כור. וברגלים לא היו מדשנין אותו מפני שהוא נוי למזבח. מימיו לא נתעצל הכהן מלהוציא את הדשן:

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Audio by
Shimi Berger

Mishnah Tamid 1:3: He [the supervising priest] took the key and opened the small door [located in the Chamber of Fire] and entered from the Chamber of Fire to the Courtyard. And they [the other priests] entered after him with two torches of fire were in their hands. They would split into two groups. [One group] walked under the portico [surrounding the Courtyard] towards the east and [the other group] walked under the portico towards the west. They would check [the temple vessels] and walk until they reached the place where the Chavitim [loaves of bread brought as meal offering] are made. They [the two groups] met each other and would say, “It is fine, all is fine,” [the vessels are in order]. They would appoint [from their group] makers of the Chavitim to make the Chavitim.

נטל את המפתח. ופתח את הפשפש. ונכנס מבית המוקד לעזרה. ונכנסו אחריו. ושתי אבוקות של אור בידם. ונחלקו לשתי כתות. אלו הולכים באכסדרא דרך המזרח. ואלו הולכים באכסדרא דרך המערב. היו בודקין והולכין. עד שמגיעין למקום בית עושי חביתים. הגיעו אלו ואלו אמרו שלום הכל שלום. העמידו עושי חביתים לעשות חביתים:

Mishnah Tamid 1:4: The one who won the right to remove the ashes from the altar, would remove [the ashes] and they [the other priests] say to him, “Be careful to not touch the utensil [the shovel] until you have sanctified your hands and feet from the laver.” And [they would continue saying],”Look, the shovel is placed in the corner between the ramp [of the altar] and the altar, on the west of the ramp.” No one would enter [the area between the altar and the antechamber] with him, and he didn’t have a candle in his hand, rather he would walk by the light of the altar’s pyre. They [the other priests] would not see him and would not hear him until they heard the sound of the wood that Ben Kitin made [into] a wheel for the laver [being turned], and they would say, “The time has come to sanctify your hands and feet from the laver.” He would take the silver shovel and go up to the top of the altar and stir the coals from side to side, and then scoop from the inner consumed [coals]. He then went back down. When he reached the floor, he would turn his face to the north [and] walk along the eastern side of the ramp for about ten amot [cubits]. He piled the coals on the floor three tefachim [hand-breadths] from the ramp, the [same] place where they would put the crop of the bird [ of a burnt offering ] and the ashes from the [golden] inner altar and the ashes of the menora.

מי שזכה לתרום את המזבח. הוא יתרום את המזבח. והם אומרים לו. הזהר שמא תגע בכלי. עד שתקדש ידיך ורגליך מן הכיור. והרי המחתה נתונה במקצוע בין הכבש למזבח. במערבו של כבש. אין אדם נכנס עמו. ולא נר בידו. אלא מהלך לאור המערכה. לא היו רואין אותו. ולא שומעין את קולו. עד ששומעין קול העץ. שעשה בן קטין מוכני לכיור. והן אומרים הגיע עת. קידש ידיו ורגליו מן הכיור. נטל מחתת הכסף. ועלה לראש המזבח. ופנה את הגחלים הילך והילך. חתה מן המאוכלות הפנימיות וירד. הגיע לרצפה. הפך פניו לצפון. הלך למזרחו של כבש כעשר אמות. צבר את הגחלים על גבי הרצפה. רחוק מן הכבש שלשה טפחים מקום שנותנין מוראות העוף ודישון מזבח הפנימי והמנורה:

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Audio by
Shimi Berger

Mishnah Tamid 1:1: The Kohanim [priests] stood watch in three places in the Temple: in the Chamber of Avtinas [name of a family] , in the Chamber of Nitsots [spark] , and in the Chamber of Fire. The Avtinas and Nitsots
chambers were elevated and the youngsters [priests] would [stand] watch
there. The Chamber of Fire was domed structure, surrounded by benches of
stone. The elders of the ministering priestly family would sleep there
and the keys to the courtyard were in their hands. The young priests
would sleep in their clothes on the ground. They did not sleep in their
holy clothes but would take them off, fold them, put them under their
heads and sleep wearing their own clothing. If one had a seminal
emission, he would exit and walk down a circular [staircase] that led
under the Temple where candles were burning on both sides [to give
light] until he got to the Room of Immersion. There was a bonfire and a
restroom there. This was the respectfulness: If he found it locked, he
would know that there was somebody there. If it was open, he would know
that there was nobody there, he would go down and immerse himself, come
up and dry off and warm himself by the bonfire. He would go [to the
Chamber of Fire] and sit with the other priests until the gates opened
and leave and go on his way.

בשלשה מקומות הכהנים שומרים בבית המקדש בבית אבטינס. בבית הניצוץ. ובבית המוקד. בית אבטינס ובית הניצוץ היו עליות. והרובים שומרים שם. בית המוקד כיפה. ובית גדול היה מוקף רובדים של אבן. וזקני בית אב ישנים שם. ומפתחות העזרה בידם. ופרחי כהונה איש כסתו בארץ. לא היו ישנים בבגדי קדש. אלא פושטין ומקפלין ומניחים אותן תחת ראשיהן ומתכסין בכסות עצמן. אירע קרי לאחד מהן יוצא והולך לו במסיבה ההולכת תחת הבירה. והנרות דולקין מכאן ומכאן. עד שהוא מגיע לבית הטבילה. ומדורה היתה שם. ובית כסא של כבוד. וזה היה כבודו. מצאו נעול. יודע שיש שם אדם. פתוח. יודע שאין שם אדם. ירד וטבל עלה ונסתפג ונתחמם כנגד המדורה. בא וישב לו אצל אחיו הכהנים. עד שהשערים נפתחים. יוצא והולך לו:

Mishnah Tamid 1:2: Anybody [of the priests] who wishes to remove [the ashes] from the altar must rise early and immerse himself [in the mikva]
as long as the supervising priest hasn’t yet arrived. When did the supervising
priest arrive? There is no set time; sometimes he comes when the rooster crows,
or close to it, sometimes before, sometimes after. The supervisor would knock on
them [the doors to the Temple] and they [the priests] would open [the doors] for
him. He would say to them, "Whoever has immersed, come and participate in the
lottery." They would perform the lottery and whoever won, won.

מי שהוא רוצה לתרום את המזבח. משכים וטובל עד שלא יבא הממונה. וכי באיזו שעה הממונה בא. לא כל העתים שוות. פעמים שהוא בא מקריאת הגבר. או סמוך לו מלפניו או מלאחריו. הממונה בא ודופק עליהם. והם פתחו לו. אמר להן מי שטבל יבא ויפיס. הפיסו. זכה מי שזכה:

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Audio by
Shimi Berger

Mishnah Tamid 6:2: The one who had won the right to do the firepan [service], made a heap of coals on the top of the [inner] altar and then spreading them out with the bottom of the firepan
and bowed down and went out.

מי שזכה במחתה. צבר את הגחלים על גבי המזבח. ורדדן בשולי המחתה. והשתחוה ויצא:

Mishnah Tamid 6:3: The one who had won the right to the incense [service] took the censer from the spoon and gave it [the censer] to his friend or his relative [of his choice]. If some of it spilled into the spoon, he [the friend or relative] would give it to him [the priest] and put it into his hands. They would instruct him: Be careful not to begin [by dropping the incense] in front of you or else you may burn yourself. He then began spreading the incense and then went out. The one who burned the incense did not do so until the appointed one said to him,”Burn the incense.” If it [the one offering] was the Kohen Gadol he would say to him:”Master Kohen Gadol, burn the incense.” The people went out and he [the priest] burned the incense, he bowed down and went out.

מי שזכה בקטרת. היה נוטל את הבזך מתוך הכף. ונותנו לאוהבו או לקרובו. נתפזר ממנו לתוכו. נותנו לו בחפניו ומלמדים אותו. הוי זהיר שמא תתחיל לפניך. שלא תכוה. התחיל מרדד ויוצא לא היה המקטיר מקטיר. עד שהממונה אומר לו הקטר. אם היה כהן גדול. הממונה אומר אישי כהן גדול הקטר. פרשו העם. והקטיר והשתחוה ויצא:

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Audio by
Shimi Berger

Mishnah Tamid 5:6: They [the two priests designated to bring the incense and the coals] arrived at the area between the vestibule [of the sanctuary] and the [copper] altar and one took the Magrefa [a shovel-shaped instrument that makes loud sound when thrown] and threw it between the vestibule and the altar. No one could hear the sound of his friend in Jerusalem [when it was thrown] because of the [loud] sound of the Magrefa. And [the trowing] served three functions: A kohen [standing outside] who heard its sound knew that his brothers, the priests were [currently] entering [the sanctuary] to bow down and he would run and go [to join them]. A Levi that heard its sound knew that his brother Levites were entering to sing the [daily] song and he would run [to join them]. And the head of the Ma’amad [one of 24 regions, each of which sent in turn a delegation to the Temple to be present and represent the entire people at the public sacrifices] would gather the impure people at the eastern gate [of the Temple Mount].

הגיעו בין האולם ולמזבח. נטל אחד את המגרפה. וזורקה בין האולם ולמזבח. אין אדם שומע קול חברו בירושלים. מקול המגרפה. ושלשה דברים היתה משמשת. כהן ששומע את קולה. יודע שאחיו הכהנים נכנסים להשתחוות והוא רץ ובא. ובן לוי שהוא שומע את קולה. יודע שאחיו הלוים נכנסים לדבר בשיר. והוא רץ ובא. וראש המעמד. היה מעמיד את הטמאים בשער המזרח:

Mishnah Tamid 6:1: They [the two priests] began to ascend the steps of
the vestibule. Those who had won the right to remove the ashes from the inner
altar and from the Menorah went before them. The one who won the right to remove
the ashes from the inner altar went in and took the basket and bowed down and
went out again. The one who had won the right to remove the ashes from the
Menorah went in, and if he found the two eastern lamps still burning he would
remove the ash from the eastern one and left the western one burning, since from
it he [the priest] lit the Menorah in the evening. If he found that this one
[the western one] had gone out, he removed the ash and lit it [in the evening]
from the burnt-offering altar. He then took the jug from the second step and
bowed down and went out.

החלו עולים במעלות האולם מי שזכו בדישון מזבח הפנימי והמנורה. היו מקדימין לפניהם. מי שזכה בדישון מזבח הפנימי. נכנס ונטל את הטני. והשתחוה ויצא. מי שזכה בדישון המנורה. נכנס ומצא שתי נרות מזרחיים דולקין. מדשן את המזרחי. ומניח את המערבי דולק. שממנו היה מדליק את המנורה בין הערבים. מצאו שכבה מדשנו ומדליקו ממזבח העולה. נטל את הכוז ממעלה שניה. והשתחוה ויצא:

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Audio by
Shimi Berger

Mishnah Tamid 5:4: The one who won [the right] to [offer] the incense would take the spoon. The spoon was similar to a large gold Tarkav [measurement of volume] that could hold three kav
[measurement of volume] and in it there was a censer filled and piled
with incense. There was a cover [on the spoon] with a cloth attached to
it from above.

מי שזכה בקטרת היה נוטל את הכף. והכף דומה לתרקב גדול של זהב. מחזיק שלשת קבים. והבזך היה בתוכו מלא וגדוש קטרת. וכסוי היה לו. וכמין מטוטלת היה עליו מלמעלן:

Mishnah Tamid 5:5: The one who won [the right] to [do] the shovel [service] took the silver shovel and went to the top of the [copper] altar and pushed the coals to this side and that side and scooped [some coals]. He went down and poured it onto a [shovel of] gold. Approximately one kav [measurement of volume] of coals would scatter [when the coals were transferred], and he [another kohen] would sweep them to the ditch [that ran though the Temple Courtyard]. And on Shabbat [when he could not sweep the coals] he would cover them with a psakhter [a copper pot]. The copper pot was a large vessel that could hold a letekh [a measurement of volume] and there were two chains [attached] to it, one that he would use to pull on [when lowering the ash] and the pot would come down [the altar’s ramp] and one that he [another kohen]
would grab from on top it in order to prevent it from rolling [off the altar’s
ramp]. It [the copper pot] had three functions: they would cover the coals [that
spilled on Shabbat] or [to cover] a [dead] rodent [found in the Temple courtyard
on Shabbat], and they would lower the ash from on top of the altar [into it].

מי שזכה במחתה. נטל מחתת הכסף ועלה לראש המזבח. ופנה את הגחלים הילך והילך וחתה. ירד ועירן לתוך של זהב. נתפזר ממנו כקב גחלים. והיה מכבדן לאמה. ובשבת היה כופה עליהן פסכתר. ופסכתר היתה כלי גדול מחזקת לתך. ושתי שרשרות היו בה אחת שהוא מושך בה ויורד. ואחת שהיא אוחז בה מלמעלן בשביל שלא תתגלגל. ושלשה דברים היתה משמשת כופין אותה על גב גחלים ועל השרץ בשבת. ומורידין בה את הדשן מעל גבי המזבח:

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Audio by
Shimi Berger

Mishnah Tamid 5:2: He [the appointed priest] said to them: The new [priests who have never offered] the incense, come and draw lots. They drew lots and the one who won, won. He said to them: The new and the old [priests], come and draw lots [to determine] who will bring up the limbs from the ramp to the altar. Rabbi Eliezer ben
Yaakov says: The one who would bring up the limbs to the ramp, he would
be the one who would bring them up to the top of the altar.

אמר להם חדשים לקטרת באו והפיסו. הפיסו זכה מי שזכה. חדשים עם ישנים בואו והפיסו. מי מעלה אברים מן הכבש למזבח. רבי אליעזר בן יעקב אומר המעלה אברים לכבש. הוא מעלה אותן על גבי המזבח:

Mishnah Tamid 5:3: They [the ones who lost the lottery] were given over
to the caretakers. They would remove their [priestly] garments and would not
leave anything on except for their pants. And there were cubicles [in the wall,
used for storage of the clothing] and on each [cubicle] was written what garment
was put there.

מסרום לחזנים היו מפשיטין אותם את בגדיהם. לא היו מניחין עליהם אלא מכנסים בלבד. וחלונות היו שם. וכתוב עליהם תשמישי הכלים:

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Audio by
Shimi Berger

Mishnah Tamid 4:1: They would not tie the lamb up [for slaughtering, as was normally done], but would bind it [right forelimb to right hind limb and left forelimb to left hind limb]. The ones who won [the right] to [carry] the limbs would hold it [as it was being slaughtered]. This is how they would bind it: its head would face south and its face turned [to face]to the west. The one slaughtering it stood to the east [of the lamb] with his face to the west. [The Tamid offering] of the morning was slaughtered on the north western corner [of the altar], on the second ring. The [Tamid
offering] of the evening was slaughtered on the north eastern corner on
the second ring. The slaughterer would slaughter and the one who [was
designated] to receive [the blood] would receive it and go to the north
eastern corner [of the altar] and tossed it to the east and north. [Then
he went to] the south western [corner] and tossed it to the west and
south. The rest of the blood was poured on the southern base [of the

לא היו כופתין את הטלה אלא מעקדין אותו. מי שזכו באברים אוחזים בו. וכך היתה עקידתו ראשו לדרום. ופניו למערב. השוחט עומד במזרח ופניו למערב. של שחר היה נשחט על קרן צפונית מערבית על טבעת שניה. של בין הערבים היה נשחט על קרן מזרחית צפונית על טבעת שניה. שחט השוחט וקבל המקבל. בא לו לקרן מזרחית צפונית. ונותן מזרחה צפונה. מערבית דרומית. ונותן מערבה דרומה. שירי הדם היה שופך על יסוד דרומית:

Mishnah Tamid 4:2: [The one who hung the Tamid and cut it apart] would
not break its leg [as butchers do], rather he would make a hole in it through
its knee and hang it [from the hole]. He would skin it and go downward until he
reached the chest. [When] he reached the chest, he would cut the head and give
it the one who won [the right] to [carry] it. He would cut the feet [lower end
near the hoof] and give them to the one who won [the right] to [carry] them. He
would then finish the skinning. [Then] he would rip [out] the heart and remove
its blood. He would cut [off] the front [upper] legs and give them to the one
who won [the right] to [carry] them. He went up to the right hind [upper] leg
and cut it off and give it to the one who won [the right] to [carry] and the two
testicles were [attached] to it. He would tear apart [the rest of the lamb] and
[the body cavity] would be exposed before him. He would take the fat and put it
over [cover] the place of slaughter of the head, on top of it. He would take the
intestines and give them to the one who won [the right] to them to rinse them.
And the rumen, they would rinse in the rinsing chamber. They would rinse it as
much as necessary. The intestines, were rinsed at least three time on the tables
of marble that were between the pillars.

לא היה שיבר בו את הרגל אלא נוקבו מתוך ערכובו ותולה בו. היה מפשיט ויורד עד שהוא מגיע לחזה. הגיע לחזה. חתך את הראש. ונתנו למי שזכה בו. חתך את הכרעים. ונתנן למי שזכה בהן. מירק את ההפשט. קרע את הלב והוציא את דמו. חתך את הידים. ונתנן למי שזכה בהן. עלה לרגל הימנית. חתכה ונתנה למי שזכה בה. ושתי ביצים עמה. קרעו ונמצא כולו גלוי לפניו. נטל את הפדר. ונתנו על בית שחיטת הראש מלמעלן. נטל את הקרביים ונתנן למי שזכה בהם להדיחן. והכרס מדיחין אותה בבית מדיחין. כל צרכה. והקרבים מדיחין אותן שלשה פעמים במיעוטה. על שולחנות של שיש שבין העמודים:

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Audio by
Shimi Berger

Mishnah Arachin 1:1: All are fit to evaluate [i.e., pledge one’s own worth to the Temple fund], to be evaluated [by another’s pledge], to vow [another’s worth to the Temple fund] or to have their worth vowed: Priests, Levites, Israelites, women and slaves. The tumtum [person (or animal) with recessed sexual organs whose gender is therefore impossible to determine, presently, by external examination. It is halachically uncertain whether such is male or female], or the androginos [person with both male and female sexual organs. It is halachically uncertain whether such a person is male, female or, perhaps, has a uniquely defined halachic gender.], are fit to vow [on another’s worth], to have their worth vowed, and to evaluate, but they are not fit to be evaluated, as only those who are definitely male or definitely female are evaluated. A deaf-mute, a shoteh,
and a minor are fit to have their worth vowed, and to be evaluated, but
they are not fit to vow [on another’s worth] or to evaluate, because
they are not considered capable of intent. A baby less than a month old
can be vowed, but not evaluated.

הכל מעריכין. ונערכין. נודרים ונידרים. כהנים ולוים וישראלים. נשים ועבדים. טומטום ואנדרוגינוס נודרים ונידרים ומעריכין אבל לא נערכין. שאינו נערך אלא זכר ודאי ונקבה ודאית. חרש שוטה וקטן נידרין ונערכין אבל לא נודרין ולא מעריכין. מפני שאין בהם דעת. פחות מבן חדש נידר. אבל לא נערך:

Mishnah Arachin 1:2: Regarding a non-Jew – Rabbi Meir says: One can be evaluated, but cannot evaluate; Rabbi Yehudah
says: One can evaluate but cannot be evaluated. Both agree, that one can vow,
and have one’s worth vowed.

הנכרי. רבי מאיר אומר נערך אבל לא מעריך. רבי יהודה אומר מעריך אבל לא נערך. זה וזה מודים שנודרין ונידרין.

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