Berakhot 5:1: [One] should not stand up to pray unless he is in a serious frame of mind. The original pious ones used to wait one hour and then pray, in order to direct their hearts towards the Omnipresent. [While one is reciting Shemoneh Esrei,] even if the king greets him, he should not respond to him, and even if a snake wraps around his heel, he should not interrupt. |
אין עומדין להתפלל אלא מתוך כובד ראש. חסידים הראשונים היו |
Berakhot 5:2: [We] mention the request for rain in [the blessing of] Techiyat HaMeitim [Resurrection of the Dead]; and [we] ask for rain [by adding the phrase Vetein Tal Umatar Livrakhah] in Birkat HaShanim [Blessing of the Year’s crops]; and [we recite] Havdalah [blessing for the transition from Sabbath to weekday] in [the blessing of] Chonein Hada’at [Endower of Knowledge]. Rabbi Akiva says: One recites it [Havdalah] as a fourth blessing by itself. Rabbi Eliezer says: [One recites Havdalah] in the blessing of Modim [Thanksgiving]. |
מזכירין גבורות גשמים בתחית המתים, ושואלין הגשמים בברכת |
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