Berakhot 2:2: These are the section breaks: Between the first and second blessings, between the second blessing and Shema, and between Shema and Vehayah im shamoa [second paragraph of the Shema], between Vehayah im shamoa and Vayomer [third paragraph of Shema], between Vayomer and Emet veyatsiv [blessing after Shema]. Rabbi Yehuda says: Between Vayomer and Emet veyatsiv — one may not pause. Rabbi Yehoshua ben Karchah said: Why does Shema precede Vehayah im shamoa? So that one may accept the yoke of the kingdom of heaven first, and after that accept the yoke of the commandments. And [why does] Vehayah im shamoa [precede] Vayomer? Because Vehayah im shamoa applies during the day and at night, and Vayomer only applies during the day. |
אלו הן בין הפרקים, בין ברכה ראשונה לשניה, בין שניה לשמע, |
Berakhot 2:3: One who recites Shema but doesn’t make it audible to his ear – has fulfilled his obligation. Rabbi Yosei says: Has not fulfilled his obligation. One who recites but does not articulate each letter: Rabbi Yosei says: Has fulfilled his obligation. Rabbi Yehuda says: Has not fulfilled his obligation. One who recites out of order – has not fulfilled his obligation. One who recites and makes a mistake – should return to the place where he made the mistake. |
הקורא את שמע ולא השמיע לאזנו, יצא.רבי יוסי אומר, לא יצא.קרא |
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