Berakhot 4:6: If one was sitting in a boat, or in a wagon, or on a raft, |
היה יושב בספינה או בקרון או באסדה יכון את לבו כנגד בית קדש |
Berakhot 4:7: Rabbi Elazar ben Azaryah says: [One does] not [say] the prayer of Musaf except in the presence of a Minyan. And the sages say: [One should always say the prayer of Musaf,] with a Minyan or without a Minyan. Rabbi Yehuda says in his [Rabbi Elazar ben Azaryah’s] name: Any place in which there is a Minyan praying, the individual is exempt from the prayer of Musaf. |
רבי אלעזר בן עזריה אומר אין תפלת המוספין אלא בחבר עיר. |
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