Audio by Dr. Michael Sokolow

Zevachim 8:6: [If] blood became mixed with water: if it [still] has the appearance of blood, it is valid. If it [blood] became mixed with wine, we view it as if it were water. If it [blood] became mixed with the blood of [another] animal, or with the blood of a [wild kosher] animal, we view it as if it were water. Rabbi Yehudah says: Blood does not nullify blood.

דם שנתערב במים , אם יש בו מראה דם , כשר.נתערב ביין, רואין אותו כאלו הוא מים נתערב בדם בהמה או בדם חיה, רואין אותו כאלו הוא מים.רבי יהודה אומר, אין דם מבטל דם.

Zevachim 8:7: [If blood] was mixed with blood of invalid sacrifices, it is poured out in the drain. [If it was mixed] with the animal's final blood [that emerges following its slaughter], it is poured out in the drain. Rabbi Eliezer deems it valid. If [the priest] did not consult and applied the blood [mixture] it is valid.

נתערב בדם פסולין, ישפך לאמה.בדם תמצית, ישפך לאמה.רבי אליעזר מכשיר.אם לא נמלך ונתן, כשר.

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