Audio by Dr. Michael Sokolow

Zevachim 8:2: [If] consecrated animals [became mixed up] with [other] consecrated animals of the same type, this one is offered for one of the individuals and that one is offered for one of the individuals. [If] consecrated animals [became mixed up] with [other] consecrated animals of a different type - they graze until they become blemished, and then they are sold. And one brings [new animals] equal in value to the most valuable among them for each of the two types, and suffers the difference in value from his own holdings. If they [the animals] became mixed up with a Bechor [first-born offering] or a Ma'aser [animal tithe] - they must graze until they become blemished, and then they are eaten according to [the rules governing] a Bechor or a Ma'aser. All types [of animals designated for sacrifice] can become mixed up, except for the Chatat and the Asham [offerings brought to alleviate guilt].

קדשים בקדשים מין במינו - זה יקרב לשם מי שהוא, וזה יקרב לשם מי שהוא. קדשים בקדשים מין בשאינו מינו - ירעו עד שיסתאבו, וימכרו, ויביא בדמי היפה שבהן ממין זה, ובדמי היפה שבהן ממין זה, ויפסיד המותר מביתו. נתערבו בבכור ובמעשר - ירעו עד שיסתאבו, ויאכלו כבכור וכמעשר. הכל יכולין להתערב, חוץ מן החטאת ומן האשם.

Zevachim 8:3: [If] an Asham became mixed up with a Shelamim [offerings whose various parts are consumed by its owners, the Kohanim and the fire on the altar], they are left to graze until they become blemished. Rabbi Shimon says: Both of them are slaughtered on the north [side of the altar] and they are eaten according to [the rules governing] the more stringent of the two. They [the Sages] said to him: We do not cause consecrated animals to become invalid. If pieces of meat became mixed up with other pieces of meat, the meat of the sacrifices of Kodshai Kodashim [sacrifices of the highest degree of sanctity. They may be slaughtered only on the north-west corner of the altar, and consumed only within the Temple compound by male priests, or burnt entirely] with the meat of Kodashim Kalim [sacrifices of a lesser degree of sanctity. They may be slaughtered anywhere in the Temple courtyard and consumed by most anyone, anywhere in Jerusalem], [or those] which are eaten over one day with those which are eaten over two days - [all] are eaten according to [the rules governing] the more stringent of the two.

אשם שנתערב בשלמים - ירעו עד שיסתאבו. רבי שמעון אומר: שניהם ישחטו בצפון, ויאכלו כחמור שבהן. אמרו לו: אין מביאין קדשים לבית הפסול. נתערבו חתיכות בחתיכות: קדשי קדשים בקדשים קלים, הנאכלין ליום אחד בנאכלים לשני ימים - יאכלו כחמור שבהן.

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