Zevachim 7:2: [If the procedure for] an Olah of a bird was performed [correctly] above [the altar's midpoint] according to the procedure of a burnt-offering for the sake of an Olah, it is valid. [If the] procedure for an Olah [was performed but] for the sake of a Chattat, it is valid but it has not fulfilled its owner's obligation. [If the] procedure [was performed] according to that of a Chattat [but] for the sake of an Olah, [or if the] procedure [was performed] according to that of a Chattat [and] for the sake of a Chattat, it is invalid. [If the blood] was applied below [the altar's midpoint] according to either procedure, it is invalid. |
עולת העוף שעשאה למעלה, כמעשה עולה לשם עולה - כשרה; כמעשה עולה לשם חטאת - כשרה, ובלבד שלא עלתה לבעלים; כמעשה חטאת לשם עולה, כמעשה חטאת לשם חטאת - פסולה. עשאה למטה כמעשה כלן - פסולה . |
Zevachim 7:3: None of these [cases listed above] render one impure through swallowing [as is the case with the ingestion of impure kosher birds], but they are subject to Me'ilah [misuse of consecrated property], with the exception of the Chattat of a bird [whose blood was] applied below [the altar's midpoint], following the procedure of a Chattat and for the sake of a Chattat. |
וכלן אינן מטמאות בבית הבליעה, ומועלין בהן, חוץ מחטאת העוף שעשאה למטה, כמעשה חטאת לשם חטאת. |
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