Audio by Dr. Michael Sokolow

Zevachim 5:7: The Shelamim [is a sacrifice within the category of] Kodashim Kalim. They are slaughtered anywhere in the Temple courtyard. Their blood requires two applications which [amount to] four, and they are eaten throughout the city [of Jerusalem], by anyone, prepared in any manner, over two days and an [intervening] night. The same rules apply to their [the sacrifices'] portions [given to the priests, and their loaves - also given to the priests], except that these portions are eaten by the priests, their wives, their children and their slaves.

שלמים - קדשים קלים - שחיטתן בכל מקום בעזרה, ודמן טעון שתי מתנות שהן ארבע, ונאכלין בכל העיר, לכל אדם, בכל מאכל, לשני ימים ולילה אחד. המורם מהם - כיוצא בהן, אלא שהמורם נאכל לכהנים, לנשיהם, ולבניהם, ולעבדיהם.

Zevachim 5:8: The Bechor [first-born offering], the Ma'aser [animal tithe], and the Passover offering [are sacrifices within the category of] Kodashim Kalim. They are slaughtered anywhere in the Temple courtyard, and their blood requires one application as long as it is applied at a spot next to the base [of the altar]. These differ with regard to their consumption: the Bechor is eaten by the priests, but the Ma'aser is eaten by anyone. They are [both] eaten throughout the city [of Jerusalem] (by anyone) prepared in any manner, for two days and an [intervening] night. The Passover offering is only eaten at night, and only until midnight. It is only eaten by those assigned to it, and it is only eaten roasted.

הבכור והמעשר והפסח - קדשים קלים - שחיטתן בכל מקום בעזרה, ודמן טעון מתנה אחת - ובלבד שיתן כנגד היסוד. שנה באכילתן: הבכור נאכל לכהנים, והמעשר לכל אדם, ונאכלין בכל העיר, (לכל אדם,) בכל מאכל, לשני ימים ולילה אחד. הפסח אינו נאכל אלא בלילה, ואינו נאכל אלא עד חצות, ואינו נאכל אלא למנויו, ואינו נאכל אלא צלי.

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