Zevachim 5:5: [Concerning] Zivchei Shalmei Tzibur [Shelamim offering brought by/on behalf of all Israel – specifically, the two sheep brought along with the leavened grain-offering on Shavu’ot] and Ashamot [offerings brought to alleviate guilt], these are the Ashamot: The Asham for robbery, the Asham for misuse of consecrated property, the Asham for [having relations with] a Shifchah Charufah [a non-Jewish female slave partially freed, and betrothed to a Jewish slave], the Asham of the Nazir [a person who swears abstention from all grape products like wine, from cutting his hair, and avoidance of corpse impurity], the [purification] Asham of the Metzora [one rendered severely impure from an unsightly skin disease. Upon recovery and purification he must bring offerings], and the uncertain Asham [brought upon possible commission of a sin]. These [offerings] are slaughtered on the north [side of the altar], and their blood is collected in a consecrated vessel on the north [side of the altar]. Their blood requires two applications, which [amount to] four, and they are eaten within the curtains [of the Temple courtyard] by male priests, prepared in any manner, during that day and [subsequent] night until midnight. |
זבחי שלמי צבור ואשמות - אלו הן אשמות: אשם גזלות, אשם מעילות, אשם שפחה חרופה, אשם נזיר, אשם מצרע, אשם תלוי- שחיטתן בצפון, וקבול דמן בכלי שרת בצפון, ודמן טעון שתי מתנות שהן ארבע, ונאכלין לפנים מן הקלעים, לזכרי כהנה, בכל מאכל, ליום ולילה עד חצות. |
Zevachim 5:6: The Todah [thanksgiving-offering] and ram of the Nazir [are sacrifices within the category of] Kodashim Kalim [sacrifices of a lesser degree of sanctity. They may be slaughtered anywhere in the Temple courtyard and consumed by most anyone, anywhere in Jerusalem]. They are slaughtered anywhere in the Temple courtyard, and their blood requires two applications, which [amount to] four, and they are eaten throughout the city [of Jerusalem], by anyone, prepared in any manner, during that day and [subsequent] night until midnight. The same rules apply to their [the sacrifices'] portions [given to the priests, and their loaves - also given to the priests], except that these portions are eaten by the priests, their wives, their children and their slaves. |
התודה ואיל נזיר - קדשים קלים - שחיטתן בכל מקום בעזרה, ודמן טעון שתי מתנות שהן ארבע, ונאכלין בכל העיר, לכל אדם, בכל מאכל, ליום ולילה עד חצות. המורם מהם - כיוצא בהם, אלא שהמורם נאכל לכהנים, לנשיהם, ולבניהם ולעבדיהם. |
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