Audio by Dr. Michael Sokolow

Zevachim 4:3: The following things cannot render one liable for Piggul: the Kometz [a handful of the meal offering which the priest takes to put on the altar], and the frankincense [which is placed on a meal offering], and the Ketoret [holy incense offered twice a day on the golden altar inside the Temple], and the priests' meal-offering, and the meal-offering of an anointed priest, and the libation-offering [wine and flour offerings brought with sacrifices], and the blood, and libations brought on their own - [these are] the words of Rabbi Meir. And the Sages say: even those [libations] that come with the animal [sacrifices are not subject to Piggul]. [Regarding] a Log [a biblical unit of liquid measurement] of oil that a Metzora [one rendered severely impure from an unsightly skin disease. Upon recovery and purification he must bring offerings] [brings], Rabbi Shimon says it cannot render one liable for Piggul; but Rabbi Meir says it can render one liable for Piggul since the blood of a Asham [an offering brought to alleviate guilt] [functions as] the Matir [that which enables a sacrifice to fulfill its purpose] for it [the oil], and anything which has Matirim, whether [permitting the item] for people or for the altar, can render one liable for Piggul.

אלו דברים שאין חיבים עליהם משום פגול: הקמץ, והלבונה, והקטרת, ומנחת כהנים, ומנחת כהן משיח, ומנחת נסכים, והדם, והנסכים הבאים בפני עצמם, דברי רבי מאיר. וחכמים אומרים: אף הבאים עם הבהמה. לג שמן שלמצורע - רבי שמעון אומר: אין חיבין עליו משום פגול. ורבי מאיר אומר, חיבין עליו משום פגול, שדם האשם מתירו, וכל שיש לו מתירים, בין לאדם בין למזבח - חיבין עליו משום פגול.

Zevachim 4:4: [With regard to] the Olah [an offering that is entirely burnt] its blood permits its meat [to be burned] on the altar, and its hide [to be given] to the priests. [With regard to] the Olah of a bird its blood permits its meat [to be burned] on the altar. [With regard to] the Chattat of a bird its blood permits its meat [to be given] to the priests. [With regard to the] bulls which are burned and [the] goats which are burned their blood permits the designated parts to be offered. Rabbi Shimon says: [The blood of] any [sacrifice] which is not [sprinkled] on the outer altar like [that of] the Shelamim [an offering whose various parts are consumed by its owners, the Kohanim and the fire on the altar] cannot render one liable to Piggul.

העולה - דמה מתיר את בשרה למזבח, ועורה לכהנים. עולת העוף - דמה מתיר את בשרה למזבח. חטאת העוף - דמה מתיר את בשרה לכהנים. פרים הנשרפים ושעירים הנשרפים - דמן מתיר את אמוריהן לקרב. רבי שמעון אומר: כל שאינו על מזבח החיצון כשלמים, אין חיבין עליו משום פגול.

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