Zevachim 3:5: One who slaughters a consecrated animal in order to eat [its] fetus or [its] placenta outside [the Temple courtyard], does not render it Piggul. One who pierces [a form of slaughtering birds] turtle-doves inside [the Temple courtyard] in order to eat their eggs outside [of its place] does not commit Piggul thereby. Milk of consecrated animals and the eggs of turtle-doves do not make one liable for Piggul, or for Notar, or for rendering it impure. |
השוחט את המקדשין לאכול שליל, או שליא בחוץ, לא פגל. המולק תורין בפנים לאכול ביציהם בחוץ, לא פגל. חלב המקדשין וביצי תורין - אין חיבין עליהם משום פגול, ונותר, וטמא. |
Zevachim 3:6: [If] one slaughtered it [the offering] with the intention of leaving its blood or its designated parts for the next day, or [with the intention of] taking them outside [of the Temple courtyard] - Rabbi Yehudah deems it invalid, but the Sages deem it valid. [If] one slaughtered it with the intention to put [the blood] on the ramp, [or at a spot] not next to the base [of the altar], [or] to sprinkle [blood] that should be sprinkled below [the altar's midpoint] above [it], [or to szprinkle blood] that should be sprinkled above the altar's midpoint] below [it], or [to sprinkle blood] that should be [sprinkled] inside [the Temple on the inner altar, on the] outside [altar], or [to sprinkle blood] that should be [sprinkled on the] outside [altar] on the inside [altar], [or with the intention] that impure people should eat it, or that impure people should sacrifice it, [or with the intention] that uncircumcised people should eat it, or that uncircumcised people should sacrifice it, [or with the intention] of breaking the bones of the Passover offering, or of eating it raw, or of mixing its blood with the blood of invalid offerings - it is valid because thoughts only invalidate [an offering if one had the intention of acting] after its time or outside of its proper place, or [if procedures for a] Passover-offering or a Chattat [an offering brought to expiate sin] were not done for their own sake. |
שחטו על מנת להניח את דמו, או את אמוריו, למחר, או להוציאן לחוץ - רבי יהודה פוסל, וחכמים מכשירין.שחטו על מנת לתנו על גבי הכבש, שלא כנגד היסוד, לתן את הנתנין למטה - למעלה, ואת הנתנין למעלה - למטה, את הנתנין בפנים - בחוץ, ואת הנתנין בחוץ - בפנים, שיאכלוהו טמאים, שיקריבוהו טמאים, שיאכלוהו ערלים, שיקריבוהו ערלים, לשבר עצמות הפסח ולאכול ממנו נא, לערב דמו בדם פסולין - כשר; שאין המחשבה פוסלת אלא חוץ לזמנו וחוץ למקומו, והפסח והחטאת שלא לשמן. |
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