Audio by Dr. Michael Sokolow

Mishnah Zevachim 3:3: If one slaughters an offering [with the intention] of eating something that is not usually eaten, or of burning something [on the altar] that which is not usually burned [on the altar] - it is valid. Rabbi Eliezer invalidates it. [If one slaughters an offering with the intention] of eating something that is usually eaten or of burning something that is usually burned - [if it was] less than a olive's bulk, it is valid. [If he intended] to eat half an olive's bulk and to burn half an olive's bulk - it is valid because eating and burning are not combined.

השוחט את הזבח לאכול דבר שאין דרכו לאכול, ולהקטיר דבר שאין דרכו להקטיר - כשר.רבי אליעזר פוסל. לאכול דבר שדרכו לאכול, ולהקטיר דבר שדרכו להקטיר פחות מכזית - כשר. לאכול כחצי זית, ולהקטיר כחצי זית - כשרְ שאין אכילה והקטרה מצטרפין.

Mishnah Zevachim 3:2: If one slaughters an offering in order to eat an olive's bulk from the skin, or from the sauce [of the meat], or from the spices [used in cooking the meat], or from the pieces of meat stuck to the skin, or from the bones, or from the sinews, or from the hooves, or from the horns, after its time or outside of its proper place - the offering is valid and one is not liable for Piggul [a sacrifice that becomes unfit due to the intention of the officiating priest, while offering it, to consume it outside its permitted time], or for Notar [a sacrifice that becomes unfit due to being unconsumed past the permitted time], or for rendering it impure.

השוחט את הזבח לאכול כזית מן העור, מן הרטב, מן הקיפה, מן האלל, מן העצמות, מן הגידים, מן הטלפים, מן הקרנים, חוץ לזמנו, או חוץ למקומו - כשר, ואין חיבים עליהם משום פגול, ונותר, וטמא.

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