Mishnah Zevachim 2:2: One who slaughters the offering [with the intention] of sprinkeling its blood outside [the Temple courtyard], or [with the intention of sprinkeling] some of its blood outside, [or with the intention of] burning its designated parts outside, or [with the intention of burning] some of its designated parts outside; [or with the intention of] eating its meat outside, or [with the intention of eating] an olive's bulk of its meat outside, or [with the intention of] eating an olive's bulk of the skin of the fatty tail outside - it [the offering] is invalid but he is not subject to Karet. [If one slaughters with the intention of] sprinkeling its blood the next day, or [with the intention of sprinkeling] some of its blood the next day; [or with the intention of] burning its designated parts the next day, or [with the intention of burning] some of its designated parts the next day; [or with the intention of] eating its meat the next day, or [with the intention of eating] an olive's bulk of its meat the next day, or [with the intention of eating] an olive's bulk from the skin of the fatty tail the next day - it [the offering] is [defined as] Piggul [a sacrifice that becomes unfit due to the intention of the officiating priest, while offering it, to consume it after its permitted time] and it makes him subject to Karet. |
השוחט את הזבח לזרוק דמו בחוץ, או מקצת דמו בחוץ, להקטיר את אמוריו בחוץ, או מקצת אמוריו בחוץ, לאכול בשרו בחוץ, או כזית מבשרו בחוץ, או לאכול כזית מעור האליה בחוץ - פסול ואין בו כרת. לזרוק דמו למחר, או מקצת דמו למחר, להקטיר אמוריו למחר, או מקצת אמוריו למחר, לאכול בשרו למחר, או כזית מבשרו למחר, או לאכול כזית מעור האליה למחר - פגול וחיבין עליו כרת. |
Mishnah Zevachim 2:3: This is the general rule: [If] anyone slaughters [the offering], or collects [its blood], or carries [the blood to the altar], or sprinkles ashes [the blood on the altar with the intention] of eating something that is usually eaten, [or with the intention] of burning something that is usually burned, outside its [proper] place - it [the offering] is invalid but it does not warrant Karet. [If the offering is made with the intention of acting] after its time, it is Piggul and it does warrant Karet. This is only if he properly offered that which enables an offering to fulfill its purpose [the blood]. |
זה הכלל: כל השוחט, והמקבל, והמהלך, והזורק: לאכול דבר שדרכו לאכול, להקטיר דבר שדרכו להקטיר, חוץ למקומו - פסול ואין בו כרת; חוץ לזמנו- פגול וחיבין עליו כרת, ובלבד שיקרב המתיר כמצותו. |
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