Zevachim 14:9 [Individuals] who consecrated sacrifices when the Bamot were forbidden, and [who] offered these sacrifices outside [the Tabernacle] when the Bamot were forbidden, violated a positive commandment and a negative commandment, and were subject Karet because of them. If [individuals] consecrated them when the Bamot were permitted, and sacrificed these when the Bamot were prohibited, they [thereby] violated a positive commandment and a negative commandment, but they were not subject to Karet because of them. If [individuals] consecrated them when the Bamot were prohibited, and sacrificed these when the Bamot were permitted, they [thereby] violated a positive commandment, but not a negative commandment. |
כל הקדשים שהקדישן בשעת אסור במות והקריבן בשעת אסור במות בחוץ, הרי אלו בעשה ולא תעשה, וחיבין עליהן כרת. הקדישן בשעת התר במות והקריבן בשעת אסור במות, הרי אלו בעשה ולא תעשה, ואין חיבין עליהן כרת. הקדישן בשעת אסור במות והקריבן בשעת התר במות, הרי אלו בעשה ואין בהם בלא תעשה. |
Zevachim 14:10: These are the sacrifices that must be sacrificed in the Tabernacle[even when the Bamot were permitted]: Sacrifices consecrated [specifically] for the Tabernacle. Communal sacrifices were sacrificed at the Tabernacle, and personal sacrifices [could be offered] at the Bamot. Personal sacrifices that were consecrated [specifically] for the Tabernacle, [had to be] sacrificed at the Tabernacle, and if [the individual] sacrificed them at a Bamah, he is exempt. What differentiates a personal Bamah from a communal Bamah? Laying the hands [on the animal], and slaughtering it in the north [of the altar], and dashing [the blood] around [the altar, on the corners], and waving [certain sacrifices], and bringing [the meal-offering]. Rabbi Yehudah says: The meal-offering cannot [be brought at a Bamah], nor are Kohanim [necessary there], nor are priestly garments, nor are service vessels, nor is the pleasing aroma, nor is a dividing blood line [the red marking on the altar indicating where blood should be dashed], nor is washing the hands and feet [necessary there]. But [the Tabernacle and the Bamot] are similar with regard to time, and Notar [a sacrifice that becomes unfit due to being unconsumed past the permitted time], and impurity. |
אלו קדשים קרבין במשכן: קדשים שהקדשו למשכן. קרבנות הצבור קרבין במשכן. וקרבנות היחיד בבמה. קרבנות היחיד שהקדשו למשכן יקרבו במשכן, ואם הקריבן בבמה פטור. מה בין במת יחיד לבמת צבור, סמיכה, ושחיטת צפון, ומתן סביב, ותנופה, והגשה. רבי יהודה אומר: אין מנחה בבמה, וכהון, ובגדי שרת, וכלי שרת, וריח ניחוח, ומחיצה בדמים, ורחוץ ידים ורגלים. אבל הזמן, והנותר, והטמא, שוין בזה ובזה. |
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