Audio by Dr. Michael Sokolow

Mishnah Zevachim 1:4:[If] the Passover offering and the Chattat were not slaughtered for their own sake, [or if the priest] did not collect [the blood from these sacrifices] for its own sake, or did not carry [the blood to the altar] for its own sake, or did not sprinkle [the blood] for its own sake; or [if he performed these acts both] for their own sake and not for their own sake; or [both] not for their own sake and for their own sake - they are invalid. How can it be both for their own sake and not for their own sake? [The priest acted] for the sake of a Passover offering and for the sake a Shelamim. [A priest acting] not for its own sake and for its own sake [would be if he acted] for the sake of a Chattat and for the sake of a Passover offering. For an offering can be invalidated through four things: through slaughtering, and through collecting [the blood], and through carrying [the blood to the altar], and through dashing [the blood on the altar]. Rabbi Shimon validates carrying [regardless of intent], for Rabbi Shimon used to say: It is impossible [to offer a sacrifice] without slaughtering, and without collecting [the blood], and without dashing [the blood], but it is possible [to offer a sacrifice] without carrying [blood] - one slaughters at the side of the altar and dashes [it from where he stands]. Rabbi Eliezer says: [If] one carries [blood] in a case where he needs to carry it, [improper] thought invalidates [the offering]; [if] he carries it in a case where he does not need to carry, [improper] thought does not invalidate [the offering].

הפסח והחטאת ששחטן שלא לשמן, קבל, והלך, וזרק שלא לשמן, או לשמן ושלא לשמן, או שלא לשמן ולשמן, פסולים. כיצד לשמן ושלא לשמן, לשם פסח ולשם שלמים, שלא לשמן ולשמן, לשם שלמים ולשם הפסח. שהזבח נפסל בארבעה דברים: בשחיטה, ובקבול, ובהלוך, ובזריקה. רבי שמעון מכשיר בהלוך, שהיה רבי שמעון אומר: אי אפשר שלא בשחיטה, ושלא בקבלה, ושלא בזריקה, אבל אפשר שלא בהלוך, שוחט בצד המזבח וזורק. רבי אליעזר אומר: המהלך במקום שהוא צריך להלך המחשבה פוסלת, ובמקום שאין צריך להלך אין המחשבה פוסלת.

Mishnah Zevachim 2:1: All offerings whose blood was collected by a non-priest, [or] by an Onen [a person whose close relative has died but has not yet been buried], [or] by a Tevul Yom [a person who has immersed that day for purification but who must wait for night-fall to be fully pure], [or] by a person who lacks [priestly] garments, [or] by a Mechusar Kippurim [one who has purified himself via immersion but still needs to bring a sacrifice before eating from offerings], [or] by a person with unwashed hands and feet, [or] by an uncircumcised person, [or] by an impure person, [or] by a person who is sitting, [or] by one who is standing on vessels, [or] on an animal, [or] on his friend's feet - these [offerings] are invalid. If one collected [the blood] with his left [hand], he has invalidated [the offering]. Rabbi Shimon deems it valid. [If the blood] spilled on the floor and he [a priest] collected it, it is invalid. If he sprinkled it [the blood] on the ramp, [or at a spot] not next to the base [of the altar], [or] if he sprinkled [blood] that should be sprinkled below [the altar's midpoint] above [it], [or if he sprinkled blood] that should be sprinkled above the altar's midpoint] below [it], or [if he sprinkled blood] that should be [sprinkled] inside [the Temple on the inner altar, on the] outside [altar], or [if he sprinkled blood] that should be [sprinkled on the] outside [altar] on the inside [altar], it is invalid but he is not subject to Karet [excision at the hands of Heaven].

כל הזבחים שקבל דמן זר, אונן, טבול יום, מחסר בגדים, מחסר כפורים, שלא רחוץ ידים ורגלים, ערל, טמא, יושב, עומד על גבי כלים, על גבי בהמה, על גבי רגלי חברו - פסל. קבל בשמאל, פסל. רבי שמעון מכשיר. נשפך על הרצפה ואספו, פסול. נתנו על גבי הכבש, שלא כנגד היסוד, נתן את הנתנין למטן-למעלן, ואת הנתנין למעלן-למטן; את הנתנים בפנים-בחוץ, ואת הנתנין בחוץ-בפנים: פסול ואין בו כרת.

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