Zevachim 12:1: A Tevul Yom [a person who has immersed that day for purification but who must wait for night-fall to be fully pure], and a Mechusar Kippurim [one who has purified himself via immersion but still needs to bring a sacrifice before eating from offerings], do not receive [portions of] the sacrifices that are eaten that evening. An Onen [a person whose close relative has died but has not yet been buried] may touch [sacrifices] but may not offer [them] and does not receive portions to eat that evening. Blemished priests do receive portions and may eat [sacrificial meat regardless of] whether their blemishes are permanent or are temporary. However, [blemished priests] may not officiate [in offering sacrifices]. Anyone who is unfit to perform the [Temple] service does not receive [a portion] of meat to eat, and whoever does not receive [a portion] of meat does not receive [a portion] of the hides. [If a priest] was impure at the moment the blood was dashed [on the altar], he does not receive [a portion] of the meat even if he became pure by the time the fats were burned, as it says (Leviticus 7:33) "He among the sons of Aharon who offers the blood of the Shelamim [an offering whose various parts are consumed by its owners, the Kohanim and the fire on the altar] and the fat receives the right thigh for a portion." |
טבול יום ומחסר כפורים, אינן חולקין בקדשים לאכול לערב. אונן נוגע, ואינו מקריב, ואינו חולק לאכול לערב. בעלי מומין, בין בעלי מומין קבועין בין בעלי מומין עוברין, חולקין ואוכלין, אבל לא מקריבין. וכל שאינו ראוי לעבודה, אינו חולק בבשר. וכל שאין לו בבשר, אין לו בעורות. אפלו טמא בשעת זריקת דמים וטהור בשעת הקטר חלבים, אינו חולק בבשר, שנאמר (ויקרא ז) המקריב את דם השלמים ואת החלב מבני אהרן לו תהיה שוק הימין למנה. |
Zevachim 12:2: [If] the altar did not receive the rights to the flesh [of a sacrifice], the priests do not receive its hide, as it says (Leviticus 7:8) "Any man's Olah [an offering that is entirely burnt]" - [it must be] an Olah that was brought for a man. [If] an Olah was not slaughtered for its own sake, its hide [is given] to the priests even though it does not fulfill its owner's [obligation]. The hides of both an Olah [brought by] a man and an Olah[brought by] a woman [are given] to the priests. |
כל שלא זכה המזבח בבשרה, לא זכו הכהנים בעורה, שנאמר (שם) עולת איש, עולה שעלתה לאיש. עולה שנשחטה שלא לשמה, אף על פי שלא עלתה לבעלים, עורה לכהנים. אחד עולת האיש ואחד עולת האשה, עורותיהן לכהנים. |
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