Audio by Dr. Michael Sokolow

Zevachim 11:1: [If] the blood of a Chatat [offerings brought to expiate sin] splattered onto clothing, [the clothing] requires washing. Even though the verse speaks only about chata'ot that are eaten, as it says (Leviticus 6:19) "It shall be eaten in a holy place", [nevertheless] both [blood from sacrifices] which are eaten and [blood from sacrifices] which [have their blood] sprinkled inside the Sanctuary require washing, as it says (Leviticus 6:18) "The law of the Chatat" - one law [governs] all chata'ot.

דם חטאת שנתז על הבגד, הרי זה טעון כבוס. אף על פי שאין הכתוב מדבר אלא בנאכלות, שנאמר (ויקרא ו) במקום קדוש תאכל. אחד הנאכלת ואחד הפנימית טעונות כבוס, שנאמר (שם) תורת החטאת, תורה אחת לכל החטאות.

Zevachim 11:2: [Splattered] blood of an invalid Chatat does not require washing regardless of whether the Chatat had a moment when it was valid, or if it never had such a moment. What is [the case of a Chatat] that had a moment of validity? One that was left over-night, [or] that became impure, or that left the [Temple courtyard]. And what is [the case of a Chatat] that never had a moment of validity? [One] that was slaughtered [with the intention of acting] after its proper time or outside its proper place, or if ineligible people collected its blood or dashed its blood [against the altar].

חטאת פסולה אין דמה טעון כבוס, בין שהיה לה שעת הכשר, בין שלא היה לה שעת הכשר. איזו היא שהיה לה שעת הכשר, שלנה, ושנטמאה, ושיצאה. ואיזו היא שלא היה לה שעת הכשר, שנשחטה חוץ לזמנה וחוץ למקומה, ושקבלו פסולין [וזרקו] את דמה.

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