Audio by Dr. Michael Sokolow

Mishnah Zavim 2:3: If one sees a seminal emission [followed by a second emission], he does not convey uncleanliness by way of zivah for a twenty four hour period [starting from the time of the sighting]. Rabbi Yose says, [only] that day. A non-Jew who saw a seminal emission and converted, he is immediately unclean by way of zivah. If one [a woman] saw [menstrual] blood or had difficulty [in labor], [the time prescribed for retroactively making things that she touched unclean] is a twenty four hour period. One who strikes his slave, the 'day or two' [that the Torah (Exodus 21:21) speaks of] is a twenty four hour period. If a dog ate the flesh of a [human] corpse, [the flesh remains] in its natural state for three days [twenty four hour periods].

הרואה קרי, אינו מטמא בזיבה מעת לעת. רבי יוסי אומר, יומו. נכרי שראה קרי ונתגיר, מיד הוא מטמא בזיבה. הרואה דם והמקשה, מעת לעת. והמכה את עבדו יום יומים, מעת לעת. כלב שאכל בשר המת, שלשה ימים מעת לעת, הרי הוא כבריתו:

Mishnah Zavim 2:4: A zav makes things which he lies upon unclean in five ways rendering people unclean and clothing unclean. [They are] by standing, sitting, lying, balancing [a hanging object] and by leaning. [The item he] lies upon makes a person unclean seven ways rendering clothing unclean. [They are] by standing, sitting, lying, balancing [a hanging object], leaning, touching and carrying.

הזב מטמא את המשכב בחמשה דרכים, לטמא אדם לטמא בגדים. עומד, יושב, שוכב, נתלה ונשען. והמשכב מטמא את האדם בשבעה דרכים לטמא בגדים. עומד, יושב, שוכב, נתלה, ונשען, במגע ובמשא:

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