Mishnah Tevul Yom 4:6: Ashkelon grappling-irons which were broken but have their hooks still intact are thereby [susceptible to being rendered] impure. A pitch-fork, or winnowing-fork, or a rake, and similarly a hair-comb that one of its teeth had been removed and a metal one fashioned for it, are thereby [susceptible to being rendered] impure. And concerning all these Rabbi Yehoshua said, "The scribes have innovated a new matter, and I have nothing to respond." |
הַכַּדּוּמִין הָאַשְׁקְלוֹנִים שֶׁנִּשְׁבְּרוּ וְאֻנְקְלִי שֶׁלָּהֶם קַיֶּמֶת, הֲרֵי אֵלּוּ טְמֵאִין. הַמַּעְבֵּר וְהַמַּזְרֶה וְהַמַּגּוֹב וְכֵן מַסְרֵק שֶׁל רֹאשׁ שֶׁנִּטְּלָה אַחַת מִשִּׁנֵּיהֶן וַעֲשָׂאָן שֶׁל מַתָּכוֹת, הֲרֵי אֵלּוּ טְמֵאִין. וְעַל כֻּלָּן אָמַר רַבִּי יְהוֹשֻׁעַ, דָּבָר חָדָשׁ חִדְּשׁוּ הַסּוֹפְרִים וְאֵין לִי מַה לְּהָשִׁיב: |
Mishnah Tevul Yom 4:7: If one separating terumah from a vat [of wine] said: "Let this be terumah, provided it comes up in peace," [this is understood to mean] in peace from breakage or spillage, but not from impurity. Rabbi Shimon says: even from impurity. If it broke [and the wine fell back into the vat], it does not make [the contents of the vat] into demai [produce from which it is uncertain whether terumah or tithes were already taken]. Up to how far away can it break and [still] not make [the contents of the vat] into demai? [Far enough] such that it rolls back to reach the vat. Rabbi Yose says: even regarding one who had the intention of making such a stipulation, but did not stipulate, if it broke, it does not make the [contents of the vat] into demai, for this is a stipulation of the court. |
הַתּוֹרֵם אֶת הַבּוֹר וְאָמַר, הֲרֵי זוֹ תְרוּמָה עַל מְנָת שֶׁתַּעֲלֶה שָׁלוֹם, שָׁלוֹם מִן הַשֶּׁבֶר וּמִן הַשְּׁפִיכָה, אֲבָל לֹא מִן הַטֻּמְאָה. רַבִּי שִׁמְעוֹן אוֹמֵר, אַף מִן הַטֻּמְאָה. נִשְׁבְּרָה, אֵינָהּ מְדַמַּעַת. עַד הֵיכָן תִּשָּׁבֵר וְלֹא תְדַמֵּעַ. כְּדֵי שֶׁתִּתְגַּלְגֵּל וְתַגִּיעַ לַבּוֹר. רַבִּי יוֹסֵי אוֹמֵר, אַף מִי שֶׁהָיָה בוֹ דַעַת לְהַתְנוֹת וְלֹא הִתְנָה, נִשְׁבְּרָה, אֵינָהּ מְדַמַּעַת, מִפְּנֵי שֶׁהוּא תְנַאי בֵּית דִּין: |
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