Mishnah Tamid 2:1: His brothers [the other priests] saw him go down [from the altar] and they would run; they hurried and sanctified their hands and feet from the laver [and] took the shovels [used to scoop ash] and the forks [used for moving sacrificial parts] and go up to the top of the altar. The limbs and the fats that weren't consumed [by the fire] the previous evening, would be moved to the sides of the altar. If the sides of the altar could not hold them, they would arrange them around the altar [on the ledge surrounding it]. |
ראוהו אחיו שירד והם רצו ובאו. מהרו וקדשו ידיהן ורגליהן מן הכיור. נטלו את המגריפות. ואת הצינורות ועלו לראש המזבח. האברין והפדרין שלא נתאכלו מבערב סונקין אותם לצדדי המזבח. אם אין הצדדין מחזיקין. סודרין אותם בסובב על הכבש: |
Mishnah Tamid 2:2: They [the priests] began heaping the ash onto the Tapuach [heap of ashes on the top of the altar in the Temple courtyard] The Tapuach was in the middle of the top of the altar. Sometimes there was approximately three hundred kor [measurement of volume] on it. During pilgrimage festivals, they would not remove its ash, because it was a decoration for the altar [to show that it was being used frequently]. During the days [of the Temple], the priests were never lazy about removing the ash [when there was too much]. |
החלו מעלין באפר על גבי התפוח. ותפוח היה באמצע המזבח. פעמים עליו כשלש מאות כור. וברגלים לא היו מדשנין אותו מפני שהוא נוי למזבח. מימיו לא נתעצל הכהן מלהוציא את הדשן: |
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