To what does she respond `Amen, Amen`? An `Amen` over the curse and an `Amen` over the oath; an `Amen` with respect to this man and an `Amen` with respect to any other man; an `Amen` that I did not go astray as a betrothed maiden or married woman or [a childless widow] waiting for my brother-in-law`s [decision whether he would marry me] or taken to his house, and an `Amen` that I have not misconducted myself and if I have may [the curses] befall me. R. Meir says: one `Amen` is that I have not misconducted myself and the other `Amen` that I will not misconduct myself. |
סוטה 2.5 |
All agree that a man cannot make a stipulation with her in respect of the time before she was betrothed or after she is divorced. If she secludes herself with another man and misconducts herself and subsequently [Her husband] takes her back, he cannot make a stipulation with her [in respect of this]. This is the general rule: He cannot make a stipulation with her in respect of any act of cohabitation which does not render her prohibited to him. |
סוטה 2.6 |
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