Audio by Dovid Stern

[They further ordained] concerning the salt and the wood that the priests should make use thereof; and concerning the [red] cow that the use of its Ashes should not involve the guilt of sacrilege; and concerning bird-offerings which had become unfit [for sacrifice], that [others] should be offered [in their stead] out of public funds. R. Jose says: [the dealer] who supplied the bird-offerings was bound to supply [at his cost also those which had to be offered in the stead of] those which had become unfit. שקלים 7.7
על המלח ועל העצים שיהו הכוהנים ניאותין בהן, ועל הפרה שלא יהו מועלין באפרה, ועל הקינים הפסולות שיהו באות משל ציבור; רבי יוסי אומר, המספק את הקינים, הוא מספק את הפסולות
Any spittle found in Jerusalem is clean except that which is [found] in the upper market; thus R. Meir. R. Jose says: at other times of the year [spittle found] in the middle [of the road] is unclean, while [spittle found] at the sides [of the road] is clean; but in the season of festivals [spittle found] in the middle [of the road] is clean, while [that which is found] at the sides [of the road] is unclean; for since [persons who have an issue] are few in number, they betake themselves [in the season of festivals] to the sides of the road.     שקלים 8.1
כל הרוקים הנמצאים בירושלים-- טהורים, חוץ משל שוק העליון, דברי רבי מאיר׃ רבי יוסי אומר, בשאר כל ימות השנה-- שבאמצע טמאים, ושבצדדים טהורים; ובשעת הרגל-- שבאמצע טהורים, ושבצדדים טמאים, מפני שהן מועטים, מסתלקין לצדדים

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לע"נ גננדיל בת משה