If a man said to one in the street, `where is my ox which you have stolen?` and he replied, `I did not steal it,` and witnesses testified against him that he did steal it, he pays double; if he killed it or sold it, he pays four or five times its value. If he saw witnesses coming nearer and nearer, and he said, I did steal it, but I did not kill or sell it,` He pays only the principal. |
שבועות 8.4 |
If he [the owner] said to the borrower, `where is my ox?` and he replied to him, ` it died,` whereas it was injured or captured or stolen or lost; [or he replied,] `it was injured,` whereas it died or was captured or stolen or lost; [or he replied,] `it was captured, whereas it died or was injured or stolen or lost; [or he replied,] `it was stolen, whereas it died or was injured or captured or lost; [or he replied,] `it was lost, whereas it died or was injured or captured or stolen; [and the owner said,] `I adjure you,` and he said, `Amen,` He is exempt. |
שבועות 8.5 |
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