R. Eliezer said: [Scripture says: `if any one touch... the him`: carcass of] an unclean creeping thing, and it be hidden from when the unclean creeping thing is hidden from him, he is liable; but he is not liable, when the Temple is hidden from him. R. Akiba said: [Scripture says:] `and it be hidden from him that he is unclean`: when it is hidden from him that he is unclean, he is liable; but he is not liable, when the Temple is hidden from him. R. Ishmael said: [Scripture says:] `and it be hidden from him` twice, in order to make him liable both for the forgetfulness of the uncleanness and the forgetfulness of the Temple. |
שבועות 2.5 |
Oaths are two, subdivided into four: `I swear I shall eat`, and `[I
swear] I shall not eat`; `[I swear] I have eaten`, and `[I swear] I have
not eaten`. `I swear I shall not eat`, and he ate a minute quantity, he
is liable: this is the opinion of R. Akiba. They [the Sages] said to R.
Akiba: where do we find that he who eats a minute quantity is liable,
that this one should be liable! R. Akiba said to them: but where do we
find that he who speaks brings an offering, that this one should bring
an offering? |
שבועות 3.1 |
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