Audio by Dr. Michael Sokolow

The Laws concerning the discovery of having unconsciously sinned through uncleanness are two, subdivided into four; [if] He became unclean and was aware of it, then the uncleanness became hidden from him, though he remembered the holy food; [if the fact that it was] holy food was hidden from him, though he remembered the uncleanness; [if] both were hidden from him; and he ate holy food, and was not aware, and when he had eaten, became aware: in these cases he brings a sliding scale sacrifice. [If] He became unclean and was aware of it, then the uncleanness became hidden from him, though he remembered the Temple; [if the fact that it was] the Temple was hidden from him, though he remembered the uncleanness; [if] both were hidden from him; and he entered the Temple, and was not aware, and when he had gone out, became aware: in these cases he brings a sliding scale sacrifice.

שבועות 2.1
ידיעות הטומאה שתיים, שהן ארבע׃ נטמא וידע, נעלמה ממנו טומאה וזכור לקודש, נעלם ממנו קודש וזכור לטומאה, נעלמו ממנו זה וזה-- אכל את הקודש ולא ידע, משאכל ידע-- הרי זה בעולה ויורד׃ נטמא וידע, נעלמה ממנו טומאה וזכור למקדש, נעלם ממנו מקדש וזכור לטומאה, נעלמו ממנו זה וזה-- נכנס למקדש ולא ידע, משיצא ידע-- הרי זה בעולה ויורד.

It is the same whether one enters the Temple Court or the addition to the Temple Court, for additions are not made to the city [of Jerusalem], or to the Temple compartments except by king, prophet, Urim and tummin, Sanhedrin of seventy one, two [loaves] of thanksgiving, and song; and the Beth Din walking in procession, the two [loaves] of thanksgiving [being borne] after them, and all Israel [following] behind them. The inner one is eaten, and the outer one is burnt. And as to any addition that was made without all these he who enters it [while unclean] is not liable.

 שבועות 2.2
אחד הנכנס לעזרה, ואחד הנכנס לתוספת העזרה-- שאין מוסיפין על העיר ועל העזרות, אלא במלך ונביא ובאורים ותומים ובסנהדרין של שבעים ואחד ובשתי תודות ובשיר; ובית דין מהלכין, ושתי תודות אחריהן-- הפנימית נאכלת, והחיצונה נשרפת׃ כל שלא נעשה בכל אלו-- הנכנס לשם, אין חייבין עליו.

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