Audio by Rabbi Avrohom Zucker

From when may one begin to eat of the fruit of the trees in the Seventh Year? With unripe figs as soon as they had assumed a rosy appearance, one may eat thereof in the field with his bread; once they had ripened, he may also take them home. And similarly in the other years of the Sabbatical Cycle [when this latter stage has been reached] they are subject to tithes.   מ שביעית 4.7
מאימתיי אוכלין פירות האילן בשביעית הפגים-- משיזריחו, אוכל בהן פתו בשדה; ביחלו, כונס לתוך ביתו וכן כיוצא בהן ושאר שני שבוע, חייבין במעשרות
Unripe grapes as soon as they contain juice, may be eaten with bread in the field; but as soon as they have ripened, they may be taken home. And similarly in the other years of the Sabbatical Cycle [when they have reached this latter stage] they are subject to tithes.   מ שביעית 4.8
הבוסר-- משיביא מים, אוכל בו פתו בשדה; הבאיש, כונס לתוך ביתו וכן כיוצא בו ושאר שני שבוע, חייב במעשרות

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