[They said `it is proper] to rule [sometimes] leniently and [sometimes] stringently` in [reference to] a species [mixed] with not its [like] species. In what [defined] manner? [for instance] if pounded beans were boiled together with lentils, and there is of them [the former] [a quantity] such as imparts flavour, [then] whether there be of them [a quantity] sufficiently [small] to become neutralized in one-hundred-and-one, or there be of them [a quantity not sufficiently small] to become neutralized in one-hundred-and-one, it [the mixture] is prohibited; [but] if there be not of them [a quantity] such as imparts flavour, [then] whether there be of them [a quantity sufficiently small] to become neutralized in one-hundred-and-one, or there be not of them [a quantity sufficiently small] to become neutralized in one-hundred-and-one, it [the mixture] is permitted. |
מ עורלה
2.7 להקל ולהחמיר, מין בשאינו מינו, כיצד גריסין שנתבשלו עם העדשים, ויש בהן בנותן טעם-- בין שיש בהן לעלות באחד ומאה, ובין שאין בהן לעלות באחד ומאה-- אסור; אין בהן בנותן טעם-- בין שיש בהן לעלות באחד ומאה, ובין שאין בהן לעלות באחד ומאה-- מותר |
If leaven of hullin has fallen into dough, and there was of it sufficient to cause fermentation, and after that there fell in leaven one Terumah or leaven of `mixed-seed` of the vineyard, of which [too] there was sufficient to cause fermentation, it [the dough] is prohibited. |
מ עורלה
2.8 שאור של חולין שנפל לתוך עיסת חולין, ויש בו כדי לחמץ, ואחר כך נפל שאור של תרומה או שאור של כלאי הכרם, ויש בו כדי לחמץ-- אסור |
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