Mishnah Oholot 1:4: A person and vessels become impure by a corpse. [There is a way in which] a person is more stringent than vessels, and [in which] vessels are more [stringent] than a person, in that the vessels are [able to pass impurity to] three and the person are [able to pass impurity to] two. A person is more stringent, in that so long as the person is in the middle, they are [able to pass impurity to] four. And when the person is not in the middle, they are [able to pass impurity to] three. |
אדם וכלים מיטמאין במת. חומר באדם מבכלים. וכלים מבאדם. שהכלים שלשה. והאדם שנים. חומר באדם שכל זמן שהוא באמצע. הן ארבעה. ושאינו באמצע הן שלשה |
Mishnah Oholot 1:5: A person and items of clothing become impure by a Zav [a male who has certain types of atypical genital discharges, which render him impure]. [There is a way in which] a person is more stringent than garments, and [in which] garments are more [stringent] than a person, in that a person who touches a Zav [will in turn] make garments impure, but clothes that touch a Zav do not make other clothes impure. Clothes are more stringent, in that the clothes that carry a Zav make a person impure, but a person who carries a Zav does not make another person impure. |
אדם ובגדים מיטמאים בזב. חומר באדם מבבגדים. ובבגדים מבאדם. שהאדם הנוגע בזב. מטמא בגדים. ואין בגדים הנוגעין בזב. מטמאין בגדים. חומר בבגדים. שהבגדים הנושאין את הזב. מטמאין אדם. ואין אדם נושא את הזב. מטמא אדם |
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