Mishnah Niddah 6:3: Anything that can be rendered impure with midras impurity [a type of impurity due to being sat on by certain types of impure individuals, rendering something an Origin of impurity] can be rendered impure with the impurity of a corpse. But there may be something that can be rendered impure with the impurity of a corpse but cannot be rendered impure with midras impurity. |
כֹּל הַמִּטַּמֵּא מִדְרָס, מִטַּמֵּא טְמֵא מֵת. וְיֵשׁ שֶׁמִּטַּמֵּא טְמֵא מֵת וְאֵינוֹ מִטַּמֵּא מִדְרָס: |
Mishnah Niddah 6:4: Anyone who is fit to [be a judge who may] try capital cases is also fit to try monetary cases. But there may be one who is fit to try monetary cases but is unfit to try capital cases. Anyone who is valid to serve as a judge is valid to testify. But there may be one who is valid to testify and is not valid to serve as a judge. |
כֹּל הָרָאוּי לָדוּן דִּינֵי נְפָשׁוֹת, רָאוּי לָדוּן דִּינֵי מָמוֹנוֹת. וְיֵשׁ שֶׁרָאוּי לָדוּן דִּינֵי מָמוֹנוֹת וְאֵינוֹ רָאוּי לָדוּן דִּינֵי נְפָשׁוֹת. כֹּל הַכָּשֵׁר לָדוּן, כָּשֵׁר לְהָעִיד. וְיֵשׁ שֶׁכָּשֵׁר לְהָעִיד וְאֵינוֹ כָשֵׁר לָדוּן: |
Click here for an introduction to Mishnayos Niddah from "Companion Mishnayot" by Heshey Zelcer
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