Audio by Dr. Michael Sokolow

Mishnah Menachot 2:3: The thanksgiving offering can render the bread rejected due to piggul but the bread does not render the thanksgiving offering rejected due to piggul. How so? If he slaughtered the thanksgiving offering intending to eat part of it on the next day, both it and the bread are rejected due to piggul; if he intended to eat part of the bread the next day, the bread is rejected due to piggul but the thanksgiving offering is not rejected due to piggul. 2) The lambs can render the bread rejected due to piggul but the bread cannot render the lambs rejected due to piggul. a) How so? If he slaughtered the lambs intending to eat part of them the next day, both they and the bread are rejected due to piggul; if he intended to eat part of the bread the next day, the bread is rejected due to piggul but the lambs are not.

התודה מפגלת את הלחם, והלחם אינו מפגל את התודה. כיצד. השוחט את התודה לאכול ממנה למחר, היא והלחם מפגלין. לאכול מן הלחם למחר, הלחם מפגל והתודה אינה מפגלת. הכבשים מפגלין את הלחם, והלחם אינו מפגל את הכבשים. כיצד. השוחט את הכבשים לאכול מהן למחר, הם והלחם מפגלין. לאכול מן הלחם למחר, הלחם מפגל, והכבשים אינן מפגלין.

Mishnah Menachot 2:4: The animal-offering can render the libations rejected due to piggul after they have been sanctified in the vessel, the words of Rabbi Meir. But the libations cannot render the animal-offering rejected due to piggul. One who slaughters an animal-offering intending to eat part of it on the next day, both it and the libations are rejected due to piggul; if he intended to offer the libations the next day, the libations are rejected due to piggul but the animal-offering is not.

הזבח מפגל את הנסכין משקדשו בכלי, דברי רבי מאיר. והנסכין אינן מפגלין את הזבח. כיצד. השוחט את הזבח לאכול ממנו למחר, הוא ונסכיו מפגלין. להקריב מן הנסכין למחר, הנסכין מפגלין, והזבח אינו מפגל.

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