Mishnah Meilah 6:1: If an emissary has fulfilled his instructions [to take from something belonging to the Temple], the owner has violated meilah; if he has not fulfilled his instructions then the messenger has violated meilah. How so? If he [the owner] said to him [the emissary], give meat to the guests and he gave them liver,[or] if he said liver and he gave them meat, the emissary has violated meilah. If he [the owner] said [to the emissary] to give each of them [the guests] one piece and he [the emissary] told them to take two pieces each and the guests each took three pieces, they have all violated meilah. If he [the owner] said to him [the emissary], bring me [coins] from the window [sill] or from the case, and he [inadvertently] brought him [coins belonging to the Temple], even though the owner said I really meant from this one [that does not belong to the Temple] and he brought from the other one [coins belonging to the Temple], the owner has violated meilah. But if he said bring me [coins] from the window[sill] and he brought him [coins] from the case or if he told him to bring [coins] from the case and he brought [coins] from the window [sill], the messenger has violated meilah. |
השליח שעשה שליחותו. בעל הבית מעל. לא עשה שליחותו השליח מעל. כיצד. אמר לו תן בשר לאורחים ונתן להם כבד. כבד. ונתן להם בשר. השליח מעל. אמר לו תן להם חתיכה חתיכה. והוא אמר טולו שתים שתים. והם נטלו שלש שלש. כולן מעלו. אמר לו הבא מן החלון. או מגלוסקמא. והביא לו. אף על פי שאמר בעל הבית לא היה בלבי אלא מזה. והביא מזה. בעל הבית מעל. אבל אם אמר לו הבא לי מן החלון. והביא לו מגלוסקמא. או מן גלוסקמא והביא לו מן החלון. השליח מעל: |
Mishnah Meilah 6:2: If [an owner] sent [money belonging to the Temple] in the hands of a deaf-mute, a shoteh, or a minor [to purchase something for him from the storekeeper], and they carried out his instructions, the owner has violated meilah. If they do not follow their instructions, the store owner has violated meilah. If he sent it in the hands of a normal person and he remembered before he [the emissary] got to the store keeper, the store keeper violated meilah when he eventually spends the money. What should he [the owner] do [so that the storekeeper does not violate meilah?] He should take a peruta or a vessel [worth a peruta] and say: The peruta belonging to the Temple where ever it is may be deconsecrated on this [peruta or vessel], for items that belong to the Temple can be redeemed with money or items worth money. |
שלח ביד חרש שוטה וקטן. אם עשו שליחותו. בעל הבית מעל. לא עשו שליחותו. החנוני מעל. שלח ביד פיקח. ונזכר עד שלא הגיע אצל חנוני החנוני מעל כשיוציא. כיצד יעשה. נוטל פרוטה או כלי. ויאמר פרוטה של הקדש בכל מקום שהיא מחוללת על זה. שהקדש נפדה בכסף. ובשוה כסף: |
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