Mishnah Meilah 5:4: If one took a stone or a beam from the Temple [treasury], he has not committed meilah. If he gave it to his friend, he has violated meilah, but his friend has not violated meilah. If he built it into his house, he had not violated meilah until he lives under it for a value of a perutah. If one took a perutah from the Temple [treasury] he has not violated meilah. If he gave it to his friend, he has violated meilah, but his friend has not violated meilah. If he gave it to a bath house attendant [as a fee] even though he did not bathe he has violated meilah, because the attendant will say to him, "The bathhouse is open to you, come in and bathe." |
נטל אבן או קורה של הקדש. הרי זה לא מעל. נתנה לחבירו. הוא מעל וחבירו לא מעל. בנאה בתוך ביתו. הרי זה לא מעל עד שידור תחתיה בשוה פרוטה. נטל פרוטה של הקדש. הרי זה לא מעל. נתנה לחבירו. הוא מעל וחבירו לא מעל. נתנה לבלן. אף על פי שלא רחץ מעל שהוא אומר לו הרי מרחץ פתוחה הכנס ורחוץ: |
Mishnah Meilah 5:5: His eating [half a peruta's worth] and his friend's eating [half a peruta's worth], his benefit and his friend's benefit, his eating and his friend's benefit, his benefit and his friend's eating combine with each other even if there was a large gap of time between them. |
אכילתו ואכילת חברו. הנייתו והניית חברו. אכילתו והניית חברו. הנייתו ואכילת חברו. מצטרפין זה עם זה. ואפילו לזמן מרובה: |
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