Audio by Shimi Berger

Mishnah Meilah 4:6: Orlah [the fruit of a tree during the first three years after its planting, the consumption or usage of which is forbidden] and kilei hakerem, [the product of the prohibited planting of other species in a vineyard] combine with each other. Rabbi Shimon says they do not combine. Cloth and sack, sack and hide, hide and matting can combine with each other. Rabbi Shimon says: What is the reason? Since they are susceptible to impurity through [serving as a] seat.

הערלה וכלאי הכרם מצטרפין זה עם זה. רבי שמעון אומר אינן מצטרפין. הבגד והשק. השק והעור. העור והמפץ. מצטרפין זה עם זה. רבי שמעון אומר. מפני שהן ראוין ליטמא מושב:

Mishnah Meilah 5:1: One who derived even a perutah's [a coin of minimum value] worth of benefit from Temple property, even if he did not decrease its value has violated meilah, these are the words of Rabbi Akiva. The Sages say: anything that can devalued, one has not violated meilah until its value has actaully decreased. Anything that is not able to be devalued, as soon as he derives benefit from it, has violated meilah. How so? If she [a woman] placed a necklace [belonging to the Temple treasury] around her neck or a ring [belonging to the Temple treasury] on her hand or if one drank from the golden cup [belonging to the Temple treasury] , as soon as he [or she] derived benefit from it, he [or she] has violated meilah. If one wore a shirt or covered himself with a cloak or chopped [wood] with an axe [all of which belonged to the Temple treasury], has not violated meilah until he decreases its value. If he derived benefit from a chatat [sin offering] while it is still alive, he has not violated meilah until he decreases its value. Once it is dead, he violates meilah as soon as he derives benefit from it.

הנהנה שוה פרוטה מן ההקדש. אף על פי שלא פגם. מעל. דברי רבי עקיבא. וחכמים אומרים כל דבר שיש בו פגם לא מעל עד שיפגום. וכל דבר שאין בו פגם כיון שנהנה מעל. כיצד נתנה קטלה בצוארה. טבעת בידה. שתתה בכוס של זהב. כיון שנהנית מעלה. לבש בחלוק. כיסה בטלית. בקע בקורדום. לא מעל עד שיפגום. תלש מן החטאת. כשהיא חיה לא מעל עד שיפגום. כשהיא מתה כיון שנהנה מעל:

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