Audio by Shimi Berger

Mishnah Meilah 3:8: A bird's nest that is in a tree that belongs to the Temple, one cannot derive benefit from it, but it is not subject to meilah. If it is in an asherah [a tree or grove devoted to idolatrous worship] he can knock it down with a branch. One who consecrates a forest, all of it [everything in it] is subject to meilah. If the Temple treasurers bought [unprocessed] trees, the wood is subject to meilah, but the bark and the leaves are not subject to meilah.

קן שבראש האילן של הקדש. לא נהנין ולא מועלין. שבאשרה יתיז בקנה. המקדיש את החורש. מועלין בכולו. הגזברים שלקחו את העצים. מועלין בעצים. ואין מועלין לא בשפוי. ולא בנויה:

Mishnah Meilah 4:1: [Different] sanctified items intended to be offered on the altar combine with each other for the purposes of meilah and to make one liable for piggul [a sacrifice that becomes unfit, due to the intention of the officiating priest, while offering it, to consume it after its permitted time], notar [a sacrifice that becomes unfit, due to being left unconsumed until after the time limit for its consumption]and tamei [a sacrifice that becomes unfit because it has become defiled]. [Different] sanctified items for the maintenance of the Temple combine with each other. Items sanctified to be offered on the altar and items sanctified for the maintenance of the Temple treasury can combine with each other to make one liable for meilah.

קדשי המזבח מצטרפין זה עם זה. למעילה ולחייב עליהן משום פגול. נותר. וטמא. קדשי בדק הבית מצטרפין זה עם זה. קדשי המזבח וקדשי בדק הבית מצטרפין זה עם זה. למעילה:

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