Mishnah Meilah 1:1: [Offerings of] Kodshei kodashim [sacrifices of the highest degree of sanctity, they may be slaughtered only on the north-west corner of the altar, and consumed only within the Temple compound by male priests, or burnt entirely.] that were slaughtered in the south [of the Temple Courtyard] one is liable for me'ilah [misuse of consecrated property]. If they were slaughtered in the south [side], but their blood was gathered in the north [side]; if they were slaughtered in the north, but their blood was gathered in the south; if they were slaughtered during the day, and their blood was sprinkled at night; [if they were slaughtered] at night, and their blood was sprinkled during the day; or one slaughtered them [with the intent to eat it] after its [designated] time or outside its [permitted] place, one is liable for me'ilah. Rabbi Yehoshua stated a general rule: Any [offering] that had even a brief period of time when it was permitted to the kohanim [priests], one is not liable for me'ilah. [However] anything which did not have a brief period of time when they were permitted to the kohanim, one is liable for me'ilah. What is it [an example of a sacrifice] that had a brief permitted time to the kohanim? If it was left past its [permitted] time, or which became impure, or went out [was removed from the Temple Courtyard]. What is it [an example of a sacrifice] that did not have a brief permitted time to the kohanim? If it was slaughtered [with the invalid intent to eat it] beyond its [designated] time or outside its [permitted] place, or an invalid one [kohen] gathered and sprinkled its blood. |
קדשי קדשים ששחטן בדרום. מועלים בהן. שחטן בדרום וקבל דמן בצפון. בצפון וקבל דמן בדרום. שחטן ביום וזרק בלילה. בלילה וזרק ביום. או ששחטן חוץ לזמנן. וחוץ למקומן. מועלין בהן. כלל אמר רבי יהושע כל שהיה לה שעת היתר לכהנים אין מועלין בה. ושלא היה לה שעת היתר לכהנים מועלין בה. איזו היא שהיה לה שעת היתר לכהנים. שלנה. ושנטמאה. ושיצאה. איזו היא שלא היה לה שעת היתר לכהנים. שנשחטה חוץ לזמנה. חוץ למקומה. ושקבלו פסולין. וזרקו את דמה: |
Mishnah Meilah 1:2: The meat of Kodshei kodashim [sacrifices] that was removed [from the Courtyard] before their blood was sprinkled, Rabbi Eliezer says: One is liable for me'ilah but they are not liable for pigul [a sacrifice that becomes unfit due to the intention to be eaten beyond its time], notar [a sacrifice that was leftover beyond the time of consumption] and tamei [a sacrifice that becomes unfit because it became defiled]. Rabbi Akiva says: One is not liable for me'ilah, but they are liable for pigul, notar and tamei. Rabbi Akiva said: Why in the case when someone sets aside a sin offering and it got lost and he then sets aside another one in its place [and it was slaughtered], and then the first one was found [and was slaughtered], and now they [the blood] of both are in front of us [ready to be sprinkled], is it not so that just as the [sprinkling] the blood of the first one exempts its meat [from me'ilah], so too it should exempt the meat of the second one? And if the [sprinkling] of the blood of one exempts the meat of the other one from me'ilah, is it not logical [through fortiori reasoning] that it should exempt its own meat [from me'ilah]. |
בשר קדשי קדשים שיצא לפני זריקת דמים. רבי אליעזר אומר. מועלין בו. ואין חייבין עליו משום פגול נותר וטמא. רבי עקיבא אומר. אין מועלין בו. אבל חייבין עליו. משום פיגול. נותר. וטמא. אמר רבי עקיבא והרי המפריש חטאת ואבדה. והפריש אחרת תחתיה. ואחר כך נמצאת הראשונה. והרי שתיהן עומדות. לא כשם שדמה פוטר את בשרה. כך הוא פוטר את בשר חברתה. ואם פטר דמה את בשר חברתה מן המעילה. דין הוא שיפטור את בשרה: |
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