Audio by Dovid Stern

There is no difference between festivals and Sabbath save only in the matter of [preparing] food.There is no difference between Sabbath and the Day of Atonement save only that the deliberate violation of the one is punished by a human court and the deliberate violation of the other by Kareth.                                 מגילה 1.5
אין בין יום טוב לשבת, אלא אוכל נפש בלבד׃ אין בין שבת ליום הכיפורים, אלא שזה זדונו בידי אדם, וזה זדונו בהיכרת
There is no difference between one who is interdicted by vow to have no benefit from his neighbour and one who is interdicted by vow from his food, save in the matter of setting foot [on his property] and of utensils which are not used for [preparing] food. There is no difference between vows and freewill-offerings save that vowed offerings have to be replaced but freewill-offerings need not be replaced.                                                                  מגילה 1.6
אין בין מודר הנאה מחברו למודר ממנו מאכל, אלא דריסת הרגל, וכלים שאין עושין בהן אוכל נפש׃ אין בין נדרים לנדבות, אלא שהנדרים חייב באחריותן, ונדבות אינו חייב באחריותן

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