He who writes an `incised`-imprint [in his flesh, is flogged]. If he writes [on his flesh] without incising, or incises [his flesh] without imprinting, he is not liable: [He is] not liable until he writes and imprints the incision with ink, eye-paint or anything that marks. R. Simeon b. Judah says in the name of R. Simeon [b. Yohai] that he is not liable until he has written there the name, as it is said: nor put on you any written-imprint, I am The Lord. |
מכות 3.6 |
If a Nazirite has been drinking wine all day, he is liable once only; if they said to him, `drink not [wine]!` `drink not [wine]!` and he drank [each time], he is liable on each [instance]. |
מכות 3.7 |
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