One who while unclean, ate holy meat or entered the Sanctuary; one who ate heleb, blood, or `leavings` [of sacrificial meats], or piggul; or [an offering] that has became unclean; , one who slaughters, or offers up a sacrifice, out-of-precincts; one who ate `leavened [bread] during the Passover; one who partakes of food [or drink] or does work on the Day of Atonement; one who compounds ingredients [as] for the [anointing] oil, or the ingredients [as] for the incense, or anoints with the [holy] oil for anointing One who eats of nebelah or Trefa, or any of the [creatures deemed] `abominable` and `teeming`. Who eats of tebel or `first-tithe still comprising its `prime-due`, or `second-tithe unredeemed, or of `Sanctuary-gifts` unredeemed. How much of tebel is one to eat to become liable? R. Simeon says the merest morsel; the Sages say an olive`s size. Said R. Simeon: do you not admit that if one ate the minutest ant he would be liable? said they to him: [only] because it is a separate creature; said he to them: even so a [grain of] wheat is a separate entity |
מכות 3.2 |
One who eats of first fruits previous to the recital over them; [who eats] of Most Holy [meats] outside the hangings; of Lesser Holy [meats] or of Second Tithe, outside the city wall. One who breaks a bone of a Paschal Lamb that is clean receives forty [lashes]; but one who leaves of the flesh of a clean Paschal Lamb, or breaks a bone of an unclean [Paschal Lamb], is not given forty [lashes]. |
מכות 3.3 |
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