Similarly a manslayer, if on his arrival at the city of his refuge the men of that city wish to do him honour, should say to them, `I am a manslayer!` and if they say to him, `nevertheless [we wish it],` He should accept from them [the proffered honour], as it is said: `and this is the word of the manslayer.` they used to pay rent to the Levites: these are the words of R. Judah; R. Meir says that they did not pay them any rent. And [on his return home] He returns to the office he formerly held, these are the words of R. Meir; R. Judah says that he does not return to the office he formerly held. |
מכות 2.8 |
And these incur a [judicial] flogging: one who came [carnally] to his sister. To his father`s sister, to his mother`s sister, to his wife`s sister; to his brother`s wife, to his father`s brother`s wife or to a Niddah; a High Priest on taking to wife a widow, or an ordinary priest on taking a divorcee or haluzah; any Israelite on taking to wife a mamzereth or nathinite woman, or any israelitess becoming the wife of a mamzer or nathinite. In the case of a divorcee-widow [a High Priest] is liable on two counts, but [an ordinary priest,] in the case of a divorcee-haluzah, is liable only on one count. |
מכות 3.1 |
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