Witnesses are not condemned as Zomemim until they themselves are [directly] incriminated ; how, for instance? If they had declared: `we testify that n.n. Killed that person`; and other witnesses said to them: how could you testify to that, as that murdered person or that [alleged] murderer was with us on that very day, at such and such a place?` [then] the witnesses are not thereon condemned as Zomemim. But, if these [other] witnesses said: how could you testify to that, as on that very day, you were with us at such and such a [distant] place?` [then] the former are condemned as Zomemim |
מכות 1.4 |
If other witnesses came, and they charged them [with perfidy]: then [again] others came, and they [again] charged them [with perfidy], even to a hundred, they are all to be executed. R. Judah says that this is [seemingly] a conspiracy and the first set alone is [to be] executed |
מכות 1.5 |
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