[If witnesses declare: `we testify that N. N. owes his Friend two hundred zuz`, and they are found Zomemim, they are flogged and ordered to pay [corresponding damages], because the title which sanctions the flogging is other than the title that sanctions the compensation. These are the words of R. Meir; but the Sages say that one who is ordered to pay damages is not flogged |
מכות 1.2 |
[If witnesses declare:`we testify that N. N. is liable to a flogging
of forty lashes, and they are found Zomemim, they receive eighty, forty
on the count of `thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour,`
and forty on the count of then shall ye do unto him as he purposed to do
unto his brother`. These are the words of R. Meir ; but the Sages say
that they receive only forty lashes. |
מכות 1.3 |
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