91:6 One who is suffering from abdominal discomfort, is allowed to place
on it a cup from which hot (water) was just poured,1 even though it
still contains vapor.2 Similarly, it's allowed to warm up clothing and
place them upon him.3
1) See also Chapter 33 Law 12. 2) According to some authorities, using an actual hot water bottle would be forbidden, because it's clear that one is using it to relieve the discomfort. However, the Mishna Berurah (326:19) rules that if there is a pressing need, one can rely on those who permit it. 3) This is allowed even according to those who forbid using a hot water bottle, because it's not obvious that a remedy is being performed ( Mishna Berurah 326:20). |
החושש במעיו מותר ליתן עליהם כוס שעירו ממנו חמין אף על פי שעדיין יש בו הבל וכן מותר להחם בגדים ולהניח עליו |
91:7 One who has cut his hand or foot, can soak it in wine in order to
stop the bleeding. But not with vinegar1 because it's strong, and it's
like a remedy. If he's sensitive2 then wine is like vinegar and
forbidden.3 If the wound is on the back of the hand, or on the back of
the foot, or was caused by a metal object, it's allowed to treat it with
anything, as will be explained in Chapter 92 Law 5.
1) Or whisky (Mishna Berurah 328:92). 2) He has soft skin. 3) One must do what's necessary to prevent infection, or to prevent the condition from worsening, such as washing the wound with water, or hydrogen peroxide. | מי שנגפה ידו או רגלו צומתה ביין כדי להעמיד הדם אבל לא בחומץ מפני שהוא חזק ויש בו משום רפואה ואם הוא מעונג אף היין לו כמו החומץ ואסור ואם הוא על גב היד או גב הרגל או שנעשה על ידי ברזל מותר לרפאות בכל דבר כדלקמן סימן צ''ב סעיף ה' |
91:8 If one has some discomfort with one's eyes one shouldn't put on
them undiluted saliva (meaning, saliva from from one's mouth before one
has eaten at all) since this is obviously for medical purposes.1
However, one who can't open his eyes is allowed to apply to them
undiluted saliva, for this isn't medicinal, rather to be able to open
the eyes as they should.2
1) Shabbat 108a. 2) In cases of severe eye pain or infection (non-life threatening), one may take or apply whatever medication is necessary, as long as this doesn't involve additional Shabbat violations (that is, in addition to the rabbinical prohibition against taking medication, which here doesn't apply). In this case, one may also ask a Gentile to perform even Biblically prohibited activities. | יש לו איזה מיחוש בעיניו לא יתן עליהם רוק תפל פירוש רוק שבפיו בעוד שלא טעם כלום דמוכחא מילתא דלרפואה אבל מי שאינו יכול לפתוח עיניו מותר ללחלחן ברוק תפל כי אין זאת לרפואה אלא לפתוח העינים קמכוין |
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