Audio by Ushy Fried

90:17 Something which isn't completely (prohibited) work and isn't prohibited except because of ''stopping work'', if it's for the sake of a mitzvah or (looking after) one who is slightly ill, one is allowed to tell a Gentile to do it. From this has grown the custom1 to send a Gentile on Shabbat to bring beer or other things needed for Shabbat even in a place where there isn't an ''eiruv''.2 It shouldn't be allowed except in extreme circumstances, when there isn't anything to drink, but for one's pleasure it shouldn't be allowed. To tell a Gentile to bring (something) from outside the (Shabbat) boundary,3 even after the fact, it's forbidden (to use) on Shabbat what was brought.4 Some (authorities) say that this is the law when there is a (potential) loss, for example, to move goods which would be ruined by the rain, is allowed by a Gentile.5 One can rely on this opinion where there is a large (potential) loss.

1) This refers to Europe in the late 19th Century, when the Kitzur Shulchan Aruch was written. 2) This is true only in an area where carrying would be a violation of a rabbinical, but not Biblical, prohibition. 3) The Shabbat boundary refers to the point beyond the city borders up to which one is allowed to walk on Shabbat. See also Chapter 95. 4) Only the people it was brought for aren't allowed to use it. Therefore, since others may use the item, it is not considered ''muktzeh'' even for the people who may not benefit from it. 5) This is true only if the act involves a rabbinical, not a Biblical, prohibition. For cases in which the Gentile would have to do something which is a Biblical prohibition, see Law 16 above.

דבר שאינו מלאכה גמורה ואינו אסור אלא משום שבות אם הוא צורך מצוה או במקצת חולה מותר לומר לאינו יהודי לעשותו ומזה נהגו לשלוח אינו יהודי בשבת להביא שכר או שאר דבר לצורך שבת אף במקום שאין עירוב ואין להתיר אלא בשעת הדחק שאין מה לשתות אבל בשביל תענוג בעלמא אין להתיר ולומר לאינו יהודי להביא מחוץ לתחום אפילו בדיעבד אסור בשבת מה שהביא ויש אומרים דהוא הדין במקום הפסד כגון לטלטל סחורה הנפסדת מן הגשמים מותר על ידי אינו יהודי ויש לסמוך על דבריהם במקום הפסד גדול
90:18 When it's (very) cold it's allowed to ask (a Gentile) to light a stove, because everyone is considered (like a) sick person when it's cold. However, if it's not so essential one shouldn't do this.1 Also, it's forbidden to allow a Gentile to light the stove on Shabbat afternoon in order that it will be warm at night.2

1) In practice, if someone might become ill due to the cold, it's allowed to ask a Gentile to turn on the heat or to increase the temperature setting. Similarly, if an air-conditioner is making the house too cold, and as a result someone might become ill, one may ask a Gentile to turn it down. 2) That is Saturday night which is after out Shabbat.

בעת הקור מותר לומר להסיק את התנור משום דהכל חולים אצל הצנה אבל אם אינו מוכרח כל כך אין לעשות זאת וגם אסור להניח לאינו יהודי שיסיק את התנור בשבת אחר חצות היום כדי שיהא חם בלילה
90:19 It's forbidden to send a Gentile beyond the (Shabbat) boundary1 for (notifying) the deceased relatives or for (bringing) one (to give) the funeral oration.2

1) The Shabbat boundary is the point beyond the city borders up to which one is allowed to walk on Shabbat. 2) Even to tell him on Friday to go on Shabbat is forbidden. However, one may instruct him on Shabbat to leave after Shabbat ends, because a mitzvah is involved (see Mishna Berurah 306:40).

אסור לשלוח אינו יהודי חוץ לתחום בשביל קרובי המת או בשביל ספדן

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