Audio by Ushy Fried

90:11 A wall or a tablet which has on it drawings or portraits, and below them are captions (saying) ''this is a picture of so and so'' and ''this is a portrait of so and so'', it's forbidden to read this caption on Shabbat, and even to look at without reading is forbidden.1 Similarly, war novels and histories of Gentile kings, and similarly, books of secular parables and proverbs, such as the ''book of Emanuel''2 and certainly erotic writings, it's forbidden to read them on Shabbat.3 Even to look at them without reading out aloud, and even during the week is forbidden because of ''idle chatter'',4 even if they're written in Hebrew. On (reading) erotic writings there is a further prohibition that they arouse the ''evil inclination''5 itself. However, those history books from which one gets ethical lessons and the fear of G-d, such as the ''Book of Josephus'' and the like, even if not written in Hebrew, are allowed to be read even on Shabbat. Nevertheless, it's inappropriate to spend too much time on them.6

1) This was forbidden so that one wouldn't come to read business documents (see Law 10 above). 2) Emanuel ben Shlomo of Rome wrote the ''Machberot'' - ''compositions'' - in the fourteenth century C.E. 3) There's a prohibition against reading business documents on Shabbat (see Law 10 above). As a safeguard, the Sages also forbade reading certain types secular books and materials on Shabbat, so that one won't come to read business documents. There are many disputes as to what secular reading materials are included in this prohibition, see also the Shulchan Aruch 307:16 and the Mishna Berurah. 4) lit: ''sitting with clowns''. That is, in the company of idle-headed people. 5) Sexual desire. 6) The Talmud states that one of the great advantages of Shabbat is that people who have to work the entire week will have time to devote themselves to Torah study.

כותל או טבלא שיש בו איזה צורות או דיוקנאות וכתוב תחתיהן זו צורת פלוני וזו דיוקן פלוני אסור לקרות כתב זה בשבת ואפילו לעיין בו בלא קריאה אסור וכן ספרי מלחמות וספרי דברי הימים של מלכי העולם וכן מליצות ומשלים של שיחת חולין כגון ספר עמנואל ומכל שכן דברי חשק אסור לקרותן בשבת ואפילו לעיין בהם בלי קריאה בפיו ואף בחול אסור משום מושב לצים אפילו הם כתובים בלשון הקודש ובדברי חשק יש עוד איסור שמגרה היצר הרע בעצמו אבל אותן ספרי דברי הימים שיוצא מהם עניני מוסר ויראת שמים כגון ספר יוסיפון וכיוצא בו אפילו כתובים בלשון ''לעז'' מותר לקרותם אפילו בשבת ומכל מקום אין ראוי להרבות בהם
90:12 It's forbidden to measure on Shabbat anything if it's for one's needs, unless it's for the sake of a mitzvah.1

1) Measuring is one of the activities included in the general rabbinic prohibition called ''weekday work''.

אסור למדוד בשבת איזה דבר אם הוא לצורך אלא אם כן הוא לצורך מצוה
90:13 In the case of a (potential) financial loss, it's allowed to talk about one's affairs, whether with a Jew or with a Gentile. במקום פסידא מותר לדבר צרכיו בין עם ישראל בין עם אינו יהודי

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