Audio by Ushy Fried

89:5 It (the vessel) is not made a base unless one placed (the ''set apart'' object) deliberately, that it will be there during twilight, but if it remained there because one forgot it, or it fell on there by itself (the vessel) isn't made a base. ולא נעשה בסיס אלא אם הניחו בכוונה שיהא מונח שם בין השמשות אבל אם נשאר שם מחמת שכחה או שנפל מעצמו לשם לא נעשה בסיס
89:6 It doesn't become a base unless it's one's own vessel, however, if one placed a ''set apart'' object on someone else's vessel, it is not made a base, because one doesn't make forbidden something that is not one's own, when this would make things difficult for his friend. ולא נעשה בסיס אלא כלי שלו אבל אם הניח דבר מוקצה על כלי של אחר לא נעשה בסיס דאין אדם אוסר דבר שאינו שלו בדלא ניחא ליה לחבריה
90:1 There are actions which are forbidden on Shabbat even though they do not resemble a ''melacha''1 and they don't lead to doing a ''melacha''. Why were they forbidden? Because it was said:2 ''If you restrain your feet because of Shabbat, and (refrain from) tending to your affairs on My holy day...'' and it was said: ''...honoring it by [refraining] from your ways, pursuing your affairs, and speaking (of weekday) matters...'' Based on the phrase: ''honoring it by (refraining) from your ways'', our Sages, of blessed memory, commented:3 ''The way you walk on Shabbat shouldn't be like the way you walk in the week''. Therefore, it is forbidden to run on Shabbat.4 However, to carry out a mitzvah it's allowed to run.5 (from the phrase ''your ways'' we understand that (only) ''your'' ways are forbidden, ( but the ways (mitzvot) of Heaven are permitted), and it's a mitzvah to run.

1) One of the 39 forbidden activities. 2) Isaiah 58:13. 3) Shabbat 113a. 4) People are generally rushing during the week to take care of their business, and so not running on Shabbat would be considered ''refraining from your ways'', that is, the regular way you do things during the week. It's also forbidden to jump or skip (Mishna Berurah 301:1,2), but it's allowed to jump over a puddle (if walking around it would be difficult) or to run to get out of the rain (Shulchan Aruch Harav and Minchat Shabbat). 5) Youths are allowed to run around for pleasure on Shabbat, since it's a mitzvah to have pleasure on Shabbat - ''Oneg Shabbat'' - and these sort of activities are what gives them pleasure. It's even allowed for an adult to run to see something that will give him pleasure (Shulchan Aruch 301:2 and the Mishna Berurah).

יש דברים שהן אסורין בשבת אף על פי שאינן דומין למלאכה ואינם מביאין לידי מלאכה ומפני מה נאסרו משום שנאמר אם תשיב משבת רגליך עשות חפצך ביום קדשי ונאמר וכבדתו מעשות דרכיך ממצוא חפצך ודבר דבר מהא דכתיב ''וכבדתו מעשות דרכיך'' דרשו רבותינו זכרונם לברכה שלא יהא הלוכך בשבת כהלוכך בחול לפיכך אסור לרוץ בשבת אבל לדבר מצוה מותר לרוץ מדכתיב ''דרכיך'' משמע דרכיך אסורים אבל דרכי שמים מותרין ומצוה לרוץ

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