Audio by Ushy Fried

88:11 Wooden boards of house-owners, that aren't set aside to be sold, may be handled.1 Those (boards) of a carpenter are forbidden to be handled, unless he thought about them on Friday to use them on Shabbat.2

1) For use as a serving tray or some other purpose. 2) Utensils that a person wouldn't consider using for anything other than their primary function, out of a concern that they might get damaged, fall under the category called ''muktzeh'' due to [potential] financial loss. Items in this category may not be handled even to use the body of the object for a permitted activity, or because one needs the space they are resting in (see Law 6 above).

נסרים של בעלי בתים שאינם עומדים לסחורה מותר לטלטלם ושל אומן אסור אלא אם כן חשב עליהם מבעוד יום להשתמש בהם בשבת
88:12 All ''muktzeh'' (articles) are only forbidden to be handled, but touching them, if it doesn't cause them to move, is allowed.1 Therefore, it's allowed to touch a standing candelabra even if there are lit candles on it. Similarly, it's allowed to take a permitted item that is resting on a ''muktzeh'' article.2 However, it's forbidden to touch a hanging light because also by touching it, it will move. It's allowed to cover a ''muktzeh'' item with a permitted item (to protect it) from the rain and the like.

1) However, when doing something for the ''muktzeh'' item itself, like covering it for protection, there are those who prohibit even touching it (See Magen Avraham (310:3). 2) This is true even if the ''muktzeh'' object is moved in the process, because it's allowed to cause ''muktzeh'' items to be moved indirectly, when the activity is performed for the sake of something that isn't ''muktzeh'' (See Mishna Berurah 308:19).

כל מוקצה אינו אסור אלא בטלטול אבל בנגיעה בעלמא שאינו מנדנדו שרי ולכן מותר ליגע במנורה העומדת אפילו נרות דולקות בה וכן מותר ליקח דבר היתר המונח על גבי מוקצה אבל אסור ליגע במנורה התלויה כי גם בנגיעה בעלמא הוא מנדנדה ומותר לכסות דבר מוקצה בדבר שאינו מוקצה מפני הגשמים וכדומה
88:13 Moving with the back of the hand is allowed with ''muktzeh''.1 Therefore, if one forgot a ''muktzeh'' article on a (permitted) article or it fell there on Shabbat, if one needs the permitted article or it's place, it's allowed to shake it off.2 One can carry the (permitted) item to another place and (then) shake off the ''muktzeh'' article.3 Similarly, one can do this4 if one forgot coins in the pocket of ones clothes and one needs this garment. But for just the ''muktzeh'' (money) it's forbidden to do this. (If one placed before Shabbat, intentionally, a ''muktzeh'' item on a (permitted) item it becomes a base for a forbidden article).

1) Moving a ''muktzeh'' item in an unusual manner can be performed with any part of one's body other than the regular use of one's hands (the back of the hand is permitted). One is permitted to move the ''muktzeh'' object in an unusual manner even for the sake of the ''muktzeh'' object itself, for example, to prevent it from being damaged. 2) If shaking it off is possible, one may not indirectly move the ''muktzeh'' item by carrying it on the permitted item (Mishna Berurah 309:14). 3) Carrying a ''muktzeh'' item on top of a permitted item is called ''titul min hatzad'' - ''indirect movement''. The Kitzur Shulchan Aruch (see next chapter) only permits this method of moving ''muktzeh'', if it is for the sake of the permitted item. However, other authorities permit it even for the sake of the ''muktzeh'' item itself. 4) Shake the garment so that the coins fall out of the pockets. 5) A permitted item that is classed as a base to a ''muktzeh'' item, may not be moved on Shabbat (see next chapter for details).

טלטול כלאחר יד מותר במוקצה ולכן אם שכח איזה דבר מוקצה על איזה כלי או שנפלה שם בשבת אם צריך לכלי המותר או למקומו מותר לנערו או לישא את הכלי למקום אחר ולנער את המוקצה וכן יכול לעשות אם שכח מעות בכיס שבבגדו והוא צריך לבגדו אבל בשביל המוקצה לחוד אסור לעשות כן ואם הניח קודם שבת בכוונה דבר מוקצה על כלי נעשה בסיס לדבר האסור

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