Audio by Ushy Fried

87:5 It's allowed to lead the horse with a rope (attached) to the bridle, provided one holds the end of the rope so that less than a hand-breadth1 comes out from ones hand.2 Also, the rope (that hangs) between ones hand and the animal shouldn't reach within a hand-breadth of the ground.3 If the rope is very long, one should wind it around the horse's neck.

1) 8 to 9.6 cm (3 to 4 inches). 2) If it's a hand-breadth or more, it looks like one is carrying a separate piece of rope. This type of prohibition is called ''Ma'arit Ayin'', and forbids doing anything that others might interpret as a transgression. According to the letter of the law, one only violates this rabbinical prohibition if two hands-breadth are showing, however the custom is to be stringent (Mishna Berurah 305:50). 3) If it would drop lower than than that, it no longer looks like a rope with which one is leading and controlling the animal, but rather a load (Mishna Berurah 305:51). According to others, the reason stated in the previous note applies here as well.

מותר להוליך את הסוס בחבל שברסן ובלבד שיאחז בקצה החבל שלא יצא מידו טפח וגם לא יגיע החבל שבין ידו לבהמה עד טפח סמוך לארץ ואם החבל ארוך הרבה יכרכו על צואר הסוס
87:6 Two animals or more that are tied together, and one holds in ones hand the bridle of one and the rest are drawn along after each other, this is forbidden to do on Shabbat1 even if the city has an ''Eiruv''. However, it's allowed to hold several animals reins in ones hand and lead them in the manner described in the previous law.2

1) Leading animals in this way makes it look like the owner is on his way to sell the animals in the markets on Shabbat. This type of prohibition is called ''Ma'arit Ayin'', and forbids doing anything that others might interpret as a transgression. 2) That is, one should hold the end of the rope so that less than a hand-breadth comes out from one's hand, and the part of the rope that hangs between one's hand and the animal does not reach within a hand-breadth of the ground.

שתי בהמות או יותר שהן קשורות זו בזו והוא תופס בידו אפסר אחד וכולן נמשכות זו אחר זו אסור לעשות כן בשבת אפילו בעיר המתוקנת בעירובין אבל מותר לתפוס כמה אפסרי בהמות בידו להוליכן כדרך שנתבאר בסעיף שלפני זה

87:7 Chickens shouldn't go out with cords tied to them as identification, or so they don't break articles. However, if their feet are tied so that they can't run away, similarly, (with) horses grazing in the field and two of their feet are tied together so that they can't run away, it's allowed. Provided they aren't tied by ''fettering'' or ''hog-tying''. ''Fettering'' is tying one of the forelegs to one of its hind legs, and ''hog-tying'' is tying one of its hind legs upwards, so that it can only walk on three. This is forbidden even during the week, because (it's considered) as ''causing unnecessary pain to animals''. אין התרנגולין יוצאין בחוטין שקושרין בהן לסימן או שלא תשבור כלים אבל אם קושרין רגליה שלא תוכל לברוח וכן סוסים הרועים בשדה וקושרין שתי ידיהם יחד שלא יוכלו לברוח מותר ובלבד שלא יקשור עקוד או רגול ''עקוד'' היינו שיקשור יד עם רגל ''ורגול'' היינו שקושר אחד מרגליו כלפי מעלה שלא תלך רק על שלש שזהו אפילו בחול אסור משום צער בעלי חיים

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