Audio by Ushy Fried

87:20 Animals, beasts and birds which aren't yet used to come in the evening to their cages, and even those that had once been trained, but now rebelled and ran away, it's forbidden to put them (forcibly) into their cages or into the house.1 Even if they are in the house or in the cage but the door is open, it's forbidden to close it, because by this they would be trapped inside, which is (against) the prohibition of trapping.

1) One of the 39 Avot Melachot (prototype prohibited activity on Shabbat) is trapping an animal - ''Tzeida''.

בהמה חיה ועוף שלא הורגלו עדיין לבא בערב לכלוב שלהם וכן אפילו אם הורגלו אלא שעתה מרדו וברחו אסור להכניסן לתוך הכלוב או לתוך הבית ואפילו אם הם בבית או בכלוב אלא שהדלת פתוחה אסור לסגרה משום דבזה המה נצודים והוי איסור צידה
87:21 If they are already trained and they are domesticated, and usually return in the evening to their places, but (this time) they went out, and one is concerned that some one doesn't steal them, one is allowed to drive them into a safe place, but not carry them by hand because they are ''set apart''.1

1) There is a dispute among the authorities as to whether one may pick up an animal by hand if it's the only way to prevent it from escaping or being damaged. (See Mishna Berurah 305:70, and 308:151).

ואם כבר הורגלו והמה בני תרבות שדרכם לבא בערב למקומם ויצאו והוא חושש שלא יגנבו אותן מותר לדחותן שילכו למקום המשתמר אבל לא יקח אותם בידים שהרי הם מוקצה
87:22 One shouldn't deliver (the offspring) of an animal on Shabbat, 1 even to help it, that is, one holds the newborn so that it doesn't fall to the ground, is forbidden.2

1) One may not pull the baby out of the mother, because it's considered to be over exerting oneself (Mishna Berurah 332:1). 2) If there is danger to the life of either the mother or its offspring, one may ask a Gentile to assist in the delivery. If there is no Gentile available, a Jew may aid in the delivery (See Chazon Ish 59:5 and the Pri Megadim 332:2).

אין מילדין את הבהמה בשבת ואפילו לסעדה היינו שיאחז את הולד שלא יפול לארץ אסור

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