Audio by Ushy Fried

84:9 One can go out with a (cotton) pad that's put in the ear to absorb the moist waste (produced by) the ears. Only when it's bound and tightly inserted there so that it can't fall out.1 Similarly, one can go out with a pad or straw in the sandals, if it's (inserted) in a way that it can't fall out from there.

1) The Sages were concerned that if it fell out, one may end up carrying it in the public domain.

יוצאין במוך שנותנים באוזן לבלוע ליחה של צואת האוזן ודוקא כשהוא קשור ומהודק שם היטב שלא יוכל ליפול וכן יוצאין במוך ובקש שבסנדל אם הוא באופן שאינו יכול ליפול משם
84:10 A woman shouldn't go out with a (menstrual) pad which she fitted for her menses in order not to dirty her clothes. Similarly, she shouldn't go out with an apron which she wears for the same reason, unless it's considered a regular garment.1 However, if she uses the pad or the apron in order to save herself from discomfort, because if the blood falls on her skin and dries out she will be in discomfort, she is allowed to go out (wearing) them.2 1) Any item which isn't a regular garment, and which is worn only to protect one's clothing from becoming soiled, is considered a ''burden'' - ''masui'' - that is, an object being carried, rather than a garment or jewelry or their accessory. However, an item which is considered a regular garment may be worn out into the public domain, even if it's only being used to protect one's clothing from becoming soiled (See Shulchan Aruch 303:15 and 301:13-14). 2) The same applies to tampons.

לא תצא אשה במוך שהתקינה לנדתה שלא לטנף בגדיה וכן לא תצא בסינר שהיא לובשת בשביל זאת אלא אם כן הוא מלבוש גמור אבל אם נותנה את המוך או את הסינור בשביל להציל את עצמה מן הצער שאם יפול הדם על בשרה ויתיבש תהא לה צער מותרת לצאת בהן

84:11 In a dirty or muddy area it's allowed to lift slightly one's garments so that they don't become dirty. However, to lift them up completely is forbidden.1

1) Since this would be considered carrying. See Mishna Berurah 301:117.

במקום רפש וטיט מותר להגביה קצת בגדיו שלא יתלכלכו אבל להגביהם לגמרי אסור

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