Audio by Ushy Fried

84:6 A prisoner in chains is allowed to go out with them on.1

1) The chains are considered an extension of one's body, and thus are equivalent to clothing. Furthermore, one can assume that the chains have been put on tightly, and there is therefore no concern that they will come off in the public domain, and end up being carried (Mishna Berurah 301:19).

מי שהוא אסור בשלשלאות מותר לצאת בהן
84:7 One doesn't go out on stilts, which are tall pieces of wood with places for the feet, and (used for) walking in them through mud and water.1

1) Stilts aren't considered as ''normal'' footwear to wear, and therefore aren't the equivalent of clothing; wearing a mask in the public domain would also be forbidden for the same reason (Mishna Berurah 301:20).

אין יוצאין בקשרים והם עצים גבוהים שיש בהם מושב לכף הרגל והולכין בהן בטיט ובמים

84:8 One can go out with a bandage on a wound (provided one didn't place it on Shabbat on the wound)1 Since it (helps to) heal it's considered like jewelry. One can tie it (the bandage) with an unimportant piece of cloth, and is annulled2 by the bandage. However, something of worth such as a scarf or the like is forbidden to tie round it, because it isn't annulled by the bandage and also isn't the normal way of wearing it, and is considered as a burden.3

1) The Sages forbade certain acts of healing on Shabbat out of concern that one may come to grind drugs on Shabbat, an act which is biblically prohibited. See further in Chapter 91. 2) Is considered as an extension of the bandage. 3) That is, it's viewed as an object being transported, rather than an extension of the bandage. According to the Mishna Berurah (301:77, based on the Rambam) one may go out into the public domain on Shabbat, using an item of worth, such as a scarf, as a bandage, as long as it's placed directly over the wound; since it serves to directly protect the wound, it is equivalent to a bandage which aids in the healing process.

יוצאים ברטיה שעל המכה ובלבד שלא יניח אותה בשבת על גבי המכה כי לפי שהיא מרפאת הרי היא כתכשיט ויכול לכורכה במטלית שאינו חשוב ובטל לגבי הרטיה אבל דבר חשוב כגון מטפחת וכדומה אסור לכרוך עליו לפי שאינו בטל לגבי הרטיה וגם לא הוי דרך מלבוש והוי משא

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